Chapter 2

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      This place is amazing, the ceilings were so tall with fancy chandeliers hanging from them, and the ceiling was painted so it looked like something out of a chapel. Statues and paintings lined the walls and a long carpet ran all the way down the hall. There were so many turns and staircases that you would need a guide just so you wouldn't get lost. I started to get really nervous, this guy owned me and I don't even know what he's like, but I guess nothing can be worse than my father. We reached two very large doors at the end of one hall and stopped. "This is where we leave you, just go through those doors and one of the waiters will direct you to your seat" Stacy said a little to enthusiastically. They both hugged me then gave me a little shove towards the giant doors. I opened them and walked in, almost immediately someone was at my side directing me on where to go. There was a lot of other people and tons of tables, set with a white cloth and a vase of red flowers on every table. It was like a 5 star restaurant, this guy obviously has a lot of money. Once I was sat down I noticed that there was no one else at my table. Maybe I'd be lucky and just be able to eat by myself, and just like that to pull me out of my wishful thoughts a man wearing all black sat down in the chair across from me. Not saying anything he just stared at me, I didn't know what to do or if I should say anything I was so nervous but I have no idea why, it was a different kind of nervous. My name is Marcus, its nice to meet you Anna. I'm sure you are aware of all the circumstances regarding this place, correct?" the man asked. "Yes" I stated quietly. Marcus began explaining the ways around here, like he was reading straight from a book. Most of the people being held captive here were females. There was specially hired servants to run headquarters. He said most the new people came here to headquarters so that he had a chance to meet them, then most of them would be transferred to different houses or sold to other people. I couldn't believe this, this was actually happening, I would be stuck here for the rest of my life. "So what am I supposed to do, just waste the rest of my life being some doll who just sits around and does nothing" I began to raise my voice, infuriated that someone could possibly think they can take my life away like it was nothing but a toy. "now, now dear. No reason to be upset. You have plenty to do here, why there's a pool, a library, an art room. The list goes on my dear. You should consider yourself lucky to be here, it is much better then where you used to be, is it not?" Marcus said calmly. "I guess that's true, but what about my friends, will I never get to see them? Can I never leave this place?" I started getting really upset thinking about my friends. I missed them, they were all probably worried sick, how long have I been gone anyways? "Of course you will be able to leave this place, but you will be accompanied by one or two of my men or myself at all times" He said smoothly. The food finally arrived but after all this talk of my new life just made the food look gross. "You'll want to eat, you haven't had a single thing in your system for at least a week" Marcus said. Maybe if I eat like a complete slob he won't want me anymore and will let me leave. I began eating like a complete barbarian, not even bothering to use a fork. We were eating steaks with salad and some bread. He just kept eating his food and watching me, not even phased by my barbaric way of eating. He must have been used to it from other people. I felt embarrassed and began eating properly, he smiled at me and the rest of the meal we just ate in silence. Once we finished our main course a waiter came over and brought over some ice cream. Maybe it was just a coincidence, but ice cream was my absolute favorite. As soon as the waiter set down the ice cream I couldn't control myself and dug in as fast as I could like the ice cream was just going to run away if I didn't. "I knew you'd enjoy the ice cream, it is your favorite after all" Marcus said while laughing. I slowed down a little bit, taking in what he said, how did he know that ice cream was my favorite? Not even my own father knew that. "I do my research" Marcus stated while eating a spoonful of vanilla ice cream with chocolate sprinkles. When we finished our desert he walked me back to my room. "You are free to wander around if you like, but some of the rooms with numbers on them are occupied so be sure to knock. There is also clothes fit to your size in the dresser in your room. If you need anything just ask one of the many servants we have and I'm sure they will be happy to oblige." He kissed my cheek and then walked of down the hall until he turned and was out of sight. I went into my room and searched the dresser for some more comfortable clothes. Sure enough everything was my size, I threw on some sweats and a tank top. I was exhausted so I laid down on the enormous bed and instantly fell asleep. 

    I was in Abriel's car, with Claire and Jordan. We were on our way to a club, it was Friday night. Our friend Justin and his band was playing at the club so we were gonna get in for free. We all looked amazing, I had borrowed one of Jordan's dresses because she had so many. It was a short black dress and I was also wearing her dark blue heels. We were let in by one of the guards. It was loud, there were a lot of people. We could see Justin's band setting up on stage. I forgot my phone in the car, I was going to take pictures. I ran back out to the car that was parked in the V.I.P. parking spot. I was about to open the car when I saw something out of the corner of my eye. I looked around but didn't see anything so I walked around, trying to find out what is was I saw. Suddenly two really buff looking men showed up in front of me out of nowhere. They tried to grab me but I made a run for it. Sadly running in heels can be quite difficult and they caught up to me before I could get far. I tried screaming for help but nobody could here me over the sound of people and music. Then everything went pitch black. I woke up sitting up right and drenched in sweat, breathing heavily. So that's how I got here. I was kidnapped, but then again what else did I expect I didn't just come strolling in here of free will. I was wide awake now and knew I wasn't going to be able to fall asleep again. I went into the bathroom and splashed some water on my face then decided to go walk around and explore a little bit. I could tell it was the middle of the night because it was dead quiet and you couldn't see anything but lights from the garden out the windows. The halls were all dimly lit but no one else was in the halls except for me. I wandered around for a really long time taking various turns and going up and down multiple sets of stairs, till eventually I had no idea where I was. I came across a peculiar looking white door. It had a shiny gold handle, it looked really old. I opened the door and the room was massive. There wasn't anything in it, I think it used to be a ball room but hadn't been used in ages. I noticed a piano sitting in the corner, along with a couple other instruments, all of them covered in a layer of dust. I picked up one of the violins lying on the floor and dusted it off. My mother used to play the violin for me and once she had passed away I took classes, I would use her violin but one day I came home and couldn't find it anywhere, I found out that my dad had sold it. I was crushed, that was the last thing I had that had any sort of connection to my mother and now it was gone. I still took orchestra every year so that hopefully one day I could be as good as her. I began tuning the instrument and then picked up on of the many bows lying on the floor. Once I finished tuning the violin it sounded as good as new. I began to play, the sound bouncing off the huge walls, the echo of the nearly empty room made my playing sound really cool. I just played and played for what felt like an eternity until I was dripping sweat and my fingers hurt. I felt great, I haven't been able to play like that in a really long time. I heard someone clapping I turned my head and a man I had never seen before was standing there. I set down the instrument and began to walk out of the room. "Whoa, whoa, what's your hurry princess" the man said while grabbing my waist and pushing me up against the wall. "Sorry if I woke you. I'll go back to my room now so please let me go now" I said. "You play beautifully, I bet it would be even more beautiful if you had all your clothes off" the man whispered into my ear while one of his hands went under my shirt. I began to feel really uncomfortable, I tried shoving him off but it wasn't working, he was twice my size. His hands kept wandering around my body while he still had me pushed up against the wall, trying to stick his slimy tongue into my mouth. I bit his tongue and stomped on his foot then made a run for the door. Once I got through the doors I fell right on my butt, I ran into something, or more like someone. Marcus was standing there giving me a curious look. He proceeded to help me up then the man from before ran out of the room. "There you are you little rat!" he yelled. I hid behind Marcus not knowing what else to do, what if he didn't help me? I don't want him to touch me. "This one is mine, Jake" Marcus said with a cold dead glare. Jake gave us both a dirty look and then stalked off down the hall. "What are you doing all the way over here?" Marcus turned and looked at me. "I couldn't sleep, and then I found this room and some instruments so I started playing and then that guy showed up and kept trying to put his hands all over me" I said all in one breath. "I am sorry, Jake is that way with a lot of the females here, but most of the girls don't care. You should be more careful about wandering around on your own especially this late at night. Come, follow me" Marcus said. He linked his arm in mine and we began walking down a long hall way then up more stairs. We came to another set of doors and he opened it. It was another bedroom but it was a lot bigger than the one I was in. "You can sleep here in my room tonight, I will have someone show you around tomorrow so that you know where you are going" He picked me up bridal style and set me on the bed and then tucked me in and kissed my forehead goodnight "I will be next door if you need me" he said and then left me alone in his massive bedroom. I felt relaxed and a bit safer knowing he was close. I soon drifted off to a much needed sleep. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2015 ⏰

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