Chapter 1

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So... Casey Lineswood. Yellow Lantern. Er... I don't know what else is important.

I am not going to give you the old Chosen One speech. The " I am just a normal person trying to live a normal life and then something magical happened to me and now I have super powers, I never wanted this to happen" speech. To be honest, even if part of that IS true, I always wanted something like that to happen.

We are the Harry Potter generation. We want to be the Chosen one. Something to change our lives forever. With super powers, and fights and battles to win and something magical about everything. Everyone dreams about having the Super Hero path thrust upon them.

But I never thought I would to be the Super Villain. The one that made people fear. Literally.

"Are you close?" This was the first thing I asked as soon as Reagan took my call.

"Soon, kid. I am on my way. " Reagan answered as I listened to the sound of traffic on the background. "There is going to be food, right?"

"Afterwards, sure. But get here, now. I need you ASAP"

"I am own my way, ma'am. Will I ever get paid for my part time work as your assistant?"

I almost laughed. "Maybe. Bring your ass here and get me out of this. Then...Who knows?"

"I will get there ok? If I could fly, things would be a lot different." Before I could think of another comeback, she hang up on me. Sure, Reagan wasn't very well known for her manners.

When I was a kid, I always thought that if (or in the case of 5 year old me, when) I became some sort all powered being,( a fairy, a magical princess, a power ranger, or just a someone with powers or magic ) who would I choose to become my sidekick. Whom would I tell my secrets to ? What kind of outsider could help me?

And I haven't really thought about that question since the last time I have read Harry Potter. And years later, I didn't had an answer to the same question. Of course, all my plans had been ruined. I was literally hiding skeletons in the closet, there was no way I was going to ask for the help of mom. Father wasn't even of the first list. Violet, my friend from school didn't have the guts for it either. And I wasn't even that close to Ben, my partner in most school works.

The person I would tell my secrets to, it had to be someone who wasn't too high on their horse, someone who would .. Understand, but also be okay with gory details. I didn't knew too many people like that in the world. Except from...Reagan. My childhood friend, with an actual superhero tragic backstory. I always thought that she should have been the one with wings, or super powers, or a Destiny to fulfil. I always thought one day I would answer the phone and it would be Reagan, asking me if I wanted to be her sidekick. But it never happened. Of course, maybe from her point of view, maybe I was being the sidekick, who knows ? But she never called. And now I was the one with powers, but it wasn't very unlikely for me to become the Hero. And the ring around my finger and the scars on my skin were proof.

I couldn't stop looking at the ring. It was just big and overwhelming. It didn't actually weight much, but the responsibility and duty that seemed to come with it felt like a pretty big weight for sure. But I still had some trouble figuring it out, trying to understand how it works. And being alone with it, just made it worse. And just when I was tempted enough to start testing the ring and its powers, Reagan knocked on the deposit's door.

"Finally" I said while pushing the door so it would open. It didn't had any locks. Or doorknob. Yet.

"You know, you should really check it before opening this door to someone. "Reagan answered as she entered the storage room, that used to be something big, a storage room from a big store or something. No one quite knows its story but its been here for a while, completely empty, after the company got broke and left the area, most people in the neighbourhood stole all that was possible to carry, until the place became 100% worthless, excerpt from some families and groups of homeless people that sometimes spent the night there, trying to get away from the cold.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2015 ⏰

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