8 Signs You're Dating a Sociopath

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Did you know that 4% of Americans are sociopaths? And 3% are men. Thats 1 in every 25 people. Ladies we must pay attention to these signs early on. If you don't it can be detrimental. The good part about this is the majority of sociopaths are not murderers but don't let that put you in the mind set of safety because if you live through it, the rest of your life could be HELL. I have mad it my personal quest to get this information out to the world in hopes of aiding some of the single women out there who fall for Prince Charming, only to realize he is the Wicked Wicken of the East. If Mr. Perfect seems to be to good to be true then 10/10 times he most definitely is. Please protect yourselves against these individuals. They will use whatever inner unsettling emotions you have shared with them against you and they are great at it. They are master deceivers and have perfected their craft. If he tells you he loves you everyday several times a day, be careful, if he's professing his love for you to all of your family and friends, be careful. If everybody loves him. Please, please be careful. I will share some of my research on what I've found. If your Prince Charming are any of the things below please take heed and protect yourself. These are the most common actions of a sociopath as defined by The U.S National Library of Medicine:

If he is or does any of these, take it as a warning:

1). Able to act witty and charming

2). Good at flattery and manipulating other people's emotions

3). Breaks the law repeatedly

4). Disregards for safety of self and others

5). Have problems with substance abuse

6). Lies, steals, and fights often

7). Doesn't show guilt or remorse

8). Often angry or arrogant

Now all of these traits may not always be present and they all don't have to be for him to be a sociopath. If you are experiencing any of these traits in your current boo, please investigate further, talk to people that know him and have known him for years. Possibly an ex girlfriend if you can reach her without Prince Charming finding out. If something doesn't feel right please get out sooner than later. The longer you stay the harder it will be to leave.

A sociopath can leave your life hanging  in the wind, they quite often make innocent people look and feel guilty. They have an innate ability to provoke you and when you defend yourself they say to people "See I told you he/she was crazy". Sociopaths make you completely reliant and dependant upon them, so if and when you try to leave, you feel like you can't live without them. Some of these things may seem harmless, but I say to that, try dating a sociopath (if you dare) then you will realize the emotional and psychological trauma you experience when dealing with them, is not harmless at all. A Sociopath will leave you feeling drained and unable to function in your day to day activities.

I hope this saves a lot of women years of emotional abuse and heartache. Stay safe Queens and protect your mental!

Miss T. Lane

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2015 ⏰

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