Chapter 2

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The next day early morning, Thomas is sitting in a private place at the school. As far as he knows, he's the only one who knows of its existence. It's a good thing for him; there's no one there to bug him.

He leans back against the wall and looks up the sky. It's a very dark blue, but he knows it'll lighten up throughout the day. It's the norm in Seattle. Nighttime color at 7 am, daytime by noon. As much as Thomas likes that, he's also glad it only happens during the fall and winter seasons.

Turning his head, he can see the track field. Wes and a few of his buddies are playing football--probably for fun, from the way one of them is mocking their football coach, Mr. Holm. "Ten-hut, little ladies! My mama can do better than that!" the guy shouts out. The Southern accent he donned on was perfect.

Rolling his eyes, Thomas stands up and walks out of his hiding spot. He shoves his hands in his pockets, the cold just registering in him. Thomas keeps walking until he gets inside the school building.

Immediately, he regrets the choice.

"Hey!" a girl calls out. Slowly, Thomas turns to face Kianna, Wes' girlfriend. She bats her lashes at him, even though it makes no effect on him whatsoever. "Do you have Wes' homework?" She makes a show of adjusting her cheerleader skirt. "He's kinda busy, so I figure I can keep it for him until he's finished."

Thomas shrugs, and wordlessly gets the paper out of his backpack. He hands it over, and Kianna snatches it. "Thanks!" she says before bouncing away from him. A couple of kids look his way, but he doesn't acknowledge them.

Instead, Thomas slithers to the nearest restroom. After making sure no one else is there, he locks the door. He knows there are no cameras here, so it's a safe, if not disgusting, place.

He whips out a flask that was at his hip a moment ago. Opening it, Thomas can smell vodka from the flask, and smiles a little. Before he can change his mind, the flask opening goes to his lips. The alcohol slides down his tongue and eventually his throat. The first time Thomas drank vodka, he choked when he swallowed it down. This time he hasn't even flinched.

Thomas puts it away when he's done. In seconds, he's feeling lighter. He puts the flask away and unlocks the door. "Whoa!" someone calls out before Thomas smacks into him.

"Fuck!" Thomas exclaims. "Sorry! Didn't see you--" He stops mid sentence when a pair of golden eyes stares at him.

The guy seems to be a new student; Thomas has never seen him before now. His black hair is cropped, and he's carelessly wearing a wife beater. (That type of clothing is prohibited from the school.) Baggy black jeans hang from his hips.

He seems to take a couple seconds. "Um, it's fine," he rumbles. He passes Thomas, but stops. He sniffs the air, and looks at Thomas again. He doesn't say anything, but Thomas can see a knowing smirk on the new guy's face. "I guess I'll see you later at some point." He disappears before Thomas gets a chance to ask what he means by that.

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