Chapter 12 - Are you ignoring me?

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Chapter 12

It has been a week since that day. Lizzie and Glacier came back from London. Glacier said, the best way to solve my problem is to confront Darren. One thing I can't do. I don't think I would like to know his answer. I'm pretty sure he doesn't feel the same way towards me. And I'm not yet done thinking if I really do love Darren.

"Hey," Tarah chirped waving her hand in front of my face. "Are you even listening?"

"I'm sorry. What were you saying?" I totally spaced out.

She rolled her eyes. "I said, are you going to the Halloween dance?"

"Halloween dance?" I didn't know that there is a Halloween dance in this school.

"Actually, it's just a party organized by the popular group yearly. You don't have to go." Lizzie said.

"I don't know. How about you?" I asked them.

"We attend it yearly. And I'm sure we won't have an excuse of not going. Lizzie's boyfriend will not allow that." Tarah said winking towards Lizzie who is blushing.

"Would you stop that Tarah?" Lizzie said.

My friends are just plain crazy. Sometimes, I am wondering how come I'm they're friend.

"I'm not sure if I'm going." I mumbled.

"Why not?" the devil himself came. Damn. Now how could I ignore him?

A pair of strong arms wrapped themselves around me. His slight touch sent tingles. Darren placed his head on my right shoulder. I can't move. It's like, I've been placed into the freezer. I stared at Lizzie and Tarah. Glacier has Lizzie on his arms too. While Lance, was with Tarah fighting over something. I could feel my cheeks turn into a bright red tomato.

"Get off me!" I wiggled out of his grasp.

He let go and sat next to me. "Moody?"

"Damn you." I told him.

"So why aren't you going to my Halloween party?" He asked grabbing a fry from my tray.

"It's non of your business."

"It is. It's my party. I organized it. And I'm making sure that everyone will go." he grabbed another fry.

"It seems like everyone can't go." he tried to grab another one but I smacked his hand.

"Ow!" he cried. "What's up with your hand? It's very heavy."

How could he act like his normal cocky act after all those things? And why am I talking to him? I should be ignoring him!

I stood up from my seat and walked out of the cafeteria. He must have followed me or something. 'Cause I've heard some foot steps.

"Hey, Lea! Wait," He shouted.

I can't wait. I need to ignore him. Then it happened into a slow motion. He grabbed my wrist and pulled my towards him. The world around us stopped. All that is there is me and him. He is holding my wrist while my body is pressed against his. But everything fell apart when he spoke.

"I can't believe you actually got offended by my word."

All along I thought he followed me because maybe he is concerned. But he followed me because he thought I got offended?!? I pulled my wrist away from him. I tried to walk away but he managed to stop me.

"Are you ignoring me?" a question I know I can answer by a yes. But refuse to answer. How could I ever answer if that's really my plan?

I didn't answer his question and continued walking away from him. I guess he decided not to follow me. And to tell you the truth, it crashes me because I have to ignore him. I like him. For now, it's just a like. And I never ever wanted it to be a love. 'Cause we all know, those girls who always falls for the player always get themselves hurt. A thing that I never ever wanted to happen to me again.


I watched her walk away from me. That girl can be so weird sometimes. I can't believe that she got offended by my joke. But something inside my gut says that that is not the reason to why she walked away. But I just shrug it off.

"Darren," Lisa's voice erupted.

I smiled and turned around. "What is that honey boo?"

"Why are you hugging a certain girl a while ago? Are you trying to make me jealous?" wow. She's smarter than I thought.

"You got it right." I said.

Can you believe it? She's actually flirting with a geek in Math class a while ago. A freaking nerd! But I won't let Elisa fall in love with someone else. I need her.

"Come on Darren, Arthur is a nerd. Do you expect me to like someone like him? " she walked towards me and wrapped her arms around my neck. She inched closer and I did not stop her. "I won't ever trade you for some geek." Her lips is an inch away. "But I think you will trade me for one."

I pulled away from her. "Why did you say so?"

"I saw the way you look at that girl. And maybe you forgot that you also brought that blonde in the meadow. The place you never brought me." Jealousy lingered around her eyes.

"So what? You are jealous of her? Lisa, you know I would never trade you for a girl like Lea. You are different from her." That managed to bring a smile on her face.

"Good. Because if you did, that girl will pay for stealing you away from me."

Am I suppose to be scared for what Lisa can do to Lea? Or scared on what Lisa can do to herself?


Okay. that's chapter 12. I know it's too short. But this is kinda a filler chapter. Darren is so bad. Guys, as you can see most of my characters are almost unveiling their real identity. Lisa for example. And just to let you know, there will be a new character. Are you happy that Glacier is with Lizzie? Or a bit surprised? Actually, the two boys with different life back ground as said in the description is not Darren and Glacier. It is Darren and the new character. I gave a hint already. Oh and thanks for all of those reads. I'm Happy to have a lot of reads. But can you please vote too? And follow? I really need it! And also comment below. The next chapter will come in shortly!

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