New Girl (Shawny)

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Your POV

I walked in the crowded halls making my way to English class trying not to make a scene. But of course being the clumsy me I trip on nothing.

"Fuck" I cursed under my breath, grabbing my books.

"Here let me help you." I look up to see a tall brown headed boy staring right at me. Might I add he was pretty attractive.

"Oh I-I um yea thanks" I stuttered. Why am I so awkward, oh my gosh I'm embarrassing myself in front of a hot guy.

"Thanks you're pretty hot yourself" the tall boy stated.

"Oh shit did I really just say that out loud?" I mentally face palmed myself while picking myself up.

"Yea, but don't worry about it." He handed me my books.

"My name's Shawn by the way." Shawn winked while reaching out his hand for me to shake.

"Y/n" I stuck out my hand and shook his hand awkwardly. Why am I so nervous around a boy I just met?

"So you're new here?"

"Uh yea, I just moved here a couple days ago." We walked down the halls together, getting stares from girls.

"How are you liking Canada so far?" Shawn asked making conversation with me.

"It's so beautiful here and the people are so kind, like everyone here says sorry even though they didn't do anything wrong." I giggled.

"You're laugh's cute." He turned to me with a toothy grin.

"Oh uh um I-I uh thanks." I blushed. And once again me being my awkward self I embarrass myself in front of someone attractive. Great.

He chuckled. "So what's your first class?"

I unfolded my paper with my schedule on it. "English" I replied. Wow my hands are getting so sweaty right now. I quickly wipe my hands on my pants while trying not to drop my books.

"Oh great my first class is al-" Shawn was interrupted by a blonde tall girl pushing on my side, dropping my books.

I stumble back falling to the floor on my back. "What the hell?" I whispered to myself.

"Hey Shawny boy" the blonde girl said while touching Shawn. I noticed she was wearing a crop top and a very very short skirt that if she bent down you can see her underwear fully, well I mean if she even wears one.

"Vanessa! Why did you pu-" Vanessa slammed her lips hard against Shawn's.

I was literally on the floor watching them make out. "Ugh sluts these days." I picked myself, grabbed all my belongings and started making my way to English class.

I have to admit I actually thought Shawn liked me for a second, but I guess not. Do I like him? A little bit but not anymore. I don't want to get in the way of his relationship and I especially don't want to deal with a slut and her drama.

The bell rings and I quickly walk inside the classroom. I take a seat in the back hoping no one will notice me too much. I watch as the rest of the class come in the classroom like it was a beehive.

I take out my notebook and pencil case out of my bag, when I feel a tap on my shoulder.

I look up to see the teacher staring at me with a huge smile.

"Hi! You must be the new student y/n!" (A/n AYEE YOU MUST'VE THOUGHT THAT WAS SHAWN LMAO NOPE)

"Yep that's me." I reply with a slight smile. (A/n did anyone else say it in Ravens voice)

"Well it's very nice to meet! Class please welcome our new student y/n." The class says multiple hi's and welcome's but I hear one that stood out to me the most. "Ew omg what kind of name is that" and of course it was the one and only Vanessa.

The teacher walked back to her desk not hearing Vanessa's comment.

It was the usual boring English class where the teacher just rambles on and on.

I decided to doodle in my notebook and not bother paying any attention. As you may have already noticed I'm not very good in school.

A paper slid on my desk from the kid beside me. I unfolded the paper and it read.

"Hey sorry about what happened in the hallways. It's not what it looked liked. Vanessa just kissed me. We're not dating and I don't know what's up with her because she knows I'm not interested in her, I'm actually interested in someone else. And sorry for just ditching you. Hope you can forgive me xx"

Damn I just don't get why he didn't
pulled away though. I decided to just brush it off. I wrote back to him on a different piece of paper.

"Don't worry about it, I understand. :)"

I didn't know what else to write because honestly I just want to forget about that. I passed the paper to the kid beside me and whispered to him to give it to Shawn.

I watched as Shawn wrote on a piece of paper and turned around to pass it back to the kid. This kid is like our secret messenger damn I feel sorry for him.

He handed me the note and it read.

"Thank you for understanding you're the best:) And when I said I was interested in someone else, I was talking about you. I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me Friday night?"

My heart started to race. Did Shawn just ask me out? I picked my head up to see Shawn staring right at me with a huge smile plastered on his face.


sorry if this was boring ugh.
So I was thinking that each imagine will be around 900-1000 words each so it will be long for you guys:)))

Next imagine will be up soon I promise! Until then have a splendid day/night baiiii!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2015 ⏰

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