A Tale Of Two Bastards

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A Tale Of Two Bastards  


 The glass breaks as I slam haphazardly through the window. Pain shoots through my arm. No time to check for glass though. I dare a glance behind me while my legs start to do their thing. So far so good . I run towards the door at the end of the hall and almost give in to the hope that I lost him. Of course that's when I hear the boom of a three hundred pound Vat Man hitting the ground behind me. My panic is renewed. I burst threw the door and hit the corridor. The hallway is dimly lit with cheesy red carpet that could use an oil change. A tenant with rollers on her head glances out the door. I run past her searching for the glowing red salvation of an exit sign. No way am I getting torn apart in this shit hole. I round another corner and see my goal. I run towards it like a burning man towards an oasis. I don't hear any noise behind me so I look back expecting to see the woman with the steam roller hair only to find the fist of a behemoth inches from my face. I duck left but I'm to slow. I take the full brunt of his fist in my ribs and my lungs let out what little air I had left. I crash through the door and struggle to breath. Jesus! How could someone that big be that quiet? I do the best I can to make my lungs work while looking for the way down but the bastards just standing there smiling that big silver toothed smile. His black executioner style mask contrasting the metal teeth below. The Bastard spoke:

"I don't like being spied on and I damn sure don't like loose ends."

He pulls out a knife that even by his 7ft frame is too damn big. I gather whats left of my strength and hobble up the stairway. I see a rusty old door and realize the only way place to go is to the roof. I look down and see the big bastard walking up the stairs as if it were a spring day in the park. I fiddle with the doorknob. Locked. I kicked it in. The Damn thing was to old to stand up to my half hearted kick and suddenly I'm outside. Snow crunches under my boots and the icy wind rips at my battered face. I limp out hoping to find a fire ecscape but no such luck. All is silent which means the bastard must unexplicable be right behind me. I turn to face Silas in all his blood soaked glory. The smile is gone he just stares back with those dead eyes as if waiting for something. I try to talk but it only comes out as a whisper.

"I know who you are and I need your help."

He tilts his head slightly and takes a massive step forward. His footfall is like thunder and I can feel fear creeping up my stomach. I tell my self this is all part of the plan that I promised myself that whether good or bad I would see this through.

"I know what you need to keep the pain off. I can get u Igormine. All the Igormine you can take."

That brought back the shark smile.

"You've done your homework but if you were really smart you would know that it is almost impossible to find even for me."

I hold up my trump card. The 4 inch vial with milky white fluid that gleams a quicksilver light. He stops.

"You just bought yourself 5 grains for your hourglass. If I dont like what you have to say..." He raised his knife threateningly  As if he really needed to prove a point.  "Then you get the full horror show."

 I reach into my coat praying I didnt lose the cheap fruit labled holoviewer. God be praised I found it. I slowly raised it out realizing that he wasn't even afraid that I might have a weapon. I activate the hologram and the picture changes his expression from a grimace to what could possibly be awe. Hard to tell with a face like his. The picture shows a more healthy me holding todays newspaper sitting on cannister upon cannister of Igormine.

"You better not be bullshiting me meat. I want proof."

I stuggle to whats left of my pack of smokes and light one with my good hand.

"Theres enough there to last you a life time and Ive got a retainer for your services sitting safe and waiting on you. Just hear me out for Gods sake. He puts the blade away and walks towards me. He reaches down with those giant hands and picks me up with all the care of a palsy patient with a ragdoll and sets me on my feet. I look at him not really knowing whether to try and sound like the hard man I'm not or just give him the details. A low growl leaves his throat. I go with the latter.

"My name is Tommy Lacerta. I was a lawyer for the Montag Syndicate. They were all murdered by someone you hate just as much as I do. I want you to help me kill 13 men.  

                                                                        To be Continued....

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2013 ⏰

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