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Maura's POV

Arm's tighten around me as my phones ringtone blares through the room. I groan and rub my face tiredly before looking down at the arms around me confused. Who the hell did I bring home last night? I look behind me and come face to face with Jane Rizzoli, my best friend. I sigh in relief, glad I didn't bring some random stranger back to my home, that is I until I feel her naked torso against me.

"Jane!" I hiss awkwardly, ignoring my blaring phone.

"Hmm?" She hums in her sleep and I groan, reaching for my phone and holding it up to her ear. She instantly jumps awake once the annoying beeping fills her head and she groans. "My head"

"How much did we drink last night?" I ask softly as she wakes up slowly.

"Not much, I don't think, why?"

"Because we're naked and I'm sore" She snaps her head towards me and giggles. "It's not funny Jane"

"It kind of is" She chuckles softly and I hit her. "Maura relax, we're best friends, Can you even remember anything?"


"Damn" I hit her again and she winces. "Can you answer that damn thing?" She asks as my phone rings again. I sigh and answer it falling onto my back.

"Isles" I hum into the phone. "No, Mother I was sleeping. I'm sorry, I have to work today, I can do lunch" I look at Jane in horror and she stares at me in confusion. "You're here? A-at my house?" I stammer, trying not to giggle as Jane falls out of my bed in panic. I advert my eyes as she scrambles to get dressed and tell my mother I'd be out in a minute. I quickly get dressed into yesterdays clothes as I hang up on my mother. "Pretend to be asleep" I hiss as I race out of my room. I open my front door to find my adoptive mother standing on my door step. "Hi mom" I say weakly, rubbing the back of my head.

"Hi darling, I'm sorry to wake you, I was in the neighbourhood for work and thought I'd pop in to see you" She says as I let her inside.

"No worries, I've got to wake Jane up, she'll be late for work. Excuse me for a second"

"Jane's here?" I freeze and stare at her for a few seconds until my brain starts working again.

"Uh yea, we accidently fell asleep talking last night" I lie, and knowing hives are about to appear, I quickly remove myself from the living room. Once in my room I hit Jane lightly and she jumps awake.

"Why do you have hives- oh you lied to your mom" I groan as she chuckles. "I'm gonna go, but we need to talk later" She says, gesturing between us and I nod. "God my head is killing me"

"Would you like some advil?" I ask, as she follows me back out to the living room, too tired to spit out some comment about her saying being physically incorrect let alone impossible.

"Please" She groans softly. "Hi" She weakly greets my mother, taking the advil and water from me mumbling "Thanks."

"Good morning Jane, how are you?" My mother, ever so polite, asks her.

"My boyfriend dumped me" She spits out causing me to choke on my drink. Real nice Jane. "I mean I'm ok, How are you?" She corrects herself.

"I'm sorry to hear that Jane, I'm good thank you" Jane nods politely and puts her glass down in my sink as my mothers turns to me. "You Maura? Any men lately?" I hit redial on my phone and instantly Jane's phone rings. She looks at me before answering it and I end the call before her voice comes out of my phone too. She acts like she's talking to dispatch and I sigh, relieved as my mother forgets her question. That's just to awkward.

"Maura, we're needed at a crime scene, your sound must be down on your phone, they couldn't reach you" She lies and I turn and look at my mother apologetically.

"Sorry, I would love to have lunch with you later?" I ask hopefully.

"That would be wonderful, be careful girls" Constance Isles says as I walk with her over to my door. She kisses my cheek before dissappearing out of my view.

"My one day off and my mother nearly catches me in bed with my best friend" I sigh as I shut the front door.

"We need to talk about it, but I actually have a body now" I nod and walk into the kitchen. "I'll see you later"

I make myself a coffee before having a shower and getting dressed for the day.

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