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Song: Eminem~ The Real Slim Shady (Michéal Hagan Bootleg)

Ok guys, I will be updating soon. But first I just want to say that I will be adding pieces here and there to the story as I found I have messed it up entirely. Whilst re-reading my first chapter I found I had so many spelling mistakes, things that did not make sense, and many other issues like the switching of POV's.  I am going to re-read and sort out these issues for ALL of my chapters. If you are wondering how I failed to notice this before...trust me I have no clue what the answer is.  

I will be adding details, small sentences to clear things up, and of course fixing the technical issues. I also wanted to say:  thank you so much for reading, your comments, votes and the very fact you read my material mean so much to me. I also want to apologize that you have been reading my utter crap, as lately aspects of my life have made things very stressful for me. I found also that the quality of my work has gone downhill both in school and in my writing, especially in this story Gilded Coffins. So I will be improving, editing and all that watt not. Thank you so much for reading and stay strong. Have a nice day/night~ SukuraGirl31 :) :) :) 


Furthermore I think my cover is a little boring, and I have minimal computing skills. ( Undertaker "complete lie author-chan is just verrrry lazy hehehe" ) so I was wondering...and this is a HUGE ask for me especially as my story is not that good and stuff... but if someone could create a more interesting cover for me that would be great. I'd be happy to follow back, give a shout out e.c.t anything you ask kinda thing..so yh, if you would be willing pm me or leave something in the comments :) :) :) 

Remember~ let your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile. 

Gilded Coffins (Undertaker X reader)Where stories live. Discover now