Chase and Dean Anders

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Chapter 20: Chase and Dean Anders

The guy in front of me was the same guy who had disappeared after my outburst last night.

"I have no idea, she signed the papers behind my back. I was hoping you knew." Chase said as he looked back up at me.

"Nope. Last night was the first time I've heard about the diner."

"You mean you've never heard of your mom owning a diner...or anyone owning it for that matter?"

"No." He smiled a quick smile. So quick that I questioned if he even did smile.

"I...I think I should go." He said as he got off the couch.

"Wait! Why?"

"I-I have things to do." He said.

"What do you have to do?" I asked, thinking maybe I can come along. He seemed like he knew so much about my mom. More than anyone around here.

"You're not coming if that's what you're getting to."

Damn. He caught me.

"I-I wasn't going to ask..."

"Yeah right."

"Please!" I said getting on my knees and begging.

"No! Stay with your mom...I'll be back later."

"Grrrr." I growled and got off the floor.

"Did you just growl at me?" He asked, smiling.

"Yes, but that's because I wanted to go."


"You know so much about her, and I want to know things."

"I told you all I know."

"I know you know loads more. I mean, you lived with her for years."

"No Clary he hasn't, or at least not as long as I have." I turned and saw a dark haired man with blue eyes. He and Chase looked so much alike, I was wondering whether they were twins.

"Oh hello Chase" Chase said…wait he called the guy that just walked in Chase.

Are they both Chase?

"Hello Dean." Said the man who was just addressed as Chase.


His name is Chase.

"What's going on?" I asked. "You're Chase." I said pointing to the man I was just talking to before this other guy walked in.

"No, my name is Dean Anders. Sorry hon, but I told you I was Chase, and told you that big story about your mom so you could tell me who owns the diner. I felt you were the easiest route to finding the answer. Last night was so funny. You know, me coming in here and going off on you. At first that wasn't part of my plan, but I had time to waste, so…" He laughed-

"What?" I said

"Dean, get the hell out of here." Said the real Chase.

"Okay, Okay. I am just putting clues together. See, I know you don't own the Diner, Chase because you haven't been there in 3 weeks. I know Clary doesn't own it because she knows nothing about it...So Clary's dad must own it." Dean said as he walked out of the room, leaving the ghost of his knowledge with us.

Once he was gone, Chase looked at me and laughed.

"He's such a fool!" Chase said.

"W-Why do you say that?"

"I do own the diner. I knew he was watching my every move, so I made it seem like I had no idea about me owning it. Ha ha ha, he'll soon put two and two together..."

"So you're really Chase? You lived with my mom?" I questioned.

"Yeah...So what did Dean tell you?"

"Well he went with the 'he-lived-under-a-bridge-and-my-mom-took-him-in-story' but I guess that's a lie."

"It's not."

"What do you mean?"

"Dean and I are brothers, and your mom did take us in, both Dean and I. One day Dean asked me to get Mrs. Webster to sign some papers. I asked him why. He said a man asked him to get them signed and that the man promised us wealth if we did get it signed by Mrs. Webster. I looked over the papers and saw it was a contract to hand over the diner..."

"Why is this place so important? It's just a diner."

"I have no idea why. Your mom bought it, dirt cheap and then when she had the business up and going, people came in day after day wanting to buy it. She always refused."

"Hmm, so what happened to Dean when you told him you weren't going to get my mom to sign the papers?"

"He flipped out on me and left, a few years later I found out he got a job with the Beallo's and was scamming people. That's all the big companies do: scam, scam, scam."

"Yeah. I'm barely finding that out." I said.

"Are you hungry? How about lunch...I know this really good diner." He remarked, changing the subject. I looked at him and smiled.

"Really? What might it be called?"

"Oh, that you shall see. Even though the normal cook is...sick, I happen to know that there is a cook there that knows the treat of the trade, and it's wonderful cooking." He said, I knew where he was talking about right off the bat.

"Hmm, I think I might take you up on that offer." I stated, with a grin from ear to ear.

We rode in the taxi for what seemed to be hours, I grew tired of all the noise. In the hospital, it wasn't as loud as out here where I was right in the middle of it. People were everywhere, talking, walking, looking, touring, working, etc etc.

And then what made it feel so long was the taxi seemed to stop like every two seconds, either at a stop light or to let people cross the roads. I knew I was getting upset. I really wanted to see the diner, but the ride seemed SO LONG!

Finally that Taxi pulled over. Chase gave the driver some money and got out. I tried looking out the window to see if I could see it, but Chase grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the taxi.

"I don't mind paying for the taxi, but do you have to sit in there all day? Because that costs more money than I have," he said in a joking voice.

"Sorry…so where is it?" I asked. He grinned.

"Right behind you." I turned around and there it was. I was in shock it was so...shiny. When you first look at it you might think it was a metal trailer in the middle of New York City, but the big words on the roof (That spell: Webster's Diner) might make you think twice. I started to walk towards it, but then felt a hand grab my elbow.

"There are such things called cars and they don't always see you." Chase said. I scanned around and noticed I was inches from walking into oncoming traffic.

"Oh, my bad." I said, while brushing some of the hair that flew into my face to behind my ears.

"It's fine." He said after a minute.

As I stood there, I looked at the diner. It was so close, yet so far...If only this damn light would turn red.

It did, and I bolted for the diner.


I hope y'all like this and please review.

And thank you for editing this Kyeire, it helps me more than you can imagine!

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