Chapter 1

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Sonic's Pov

As I entered the school, I saw that all eyes were on me. I blushed, feeling rather embarrased. I kept walking down the hall and everyone's eyes are still darting on me! I can even see the boys stare at my lower regions. I blushed as I stomped off. Those perverts! I bet if I tell them I'm a boy, they'll freak out. But, they will spill the beans to everyone so I can't. As they kept staring at me, I grew rather irritated at their stares and I feel like kicking their butts off! I searched inside my back to look for a paper that has my room number on it. As I searched and searched, I finally found it folded and unfolded it a little quick. I looked at the numbers and it said the my school home room number is 519 Class B. I sighed as I folded it back and put them back again inside my bag. Stares, that starts to creep me out, are still showing up! I shook my head and ran down the hallway, hearing them gasped as I ran. I saw somebody was on my way as I stopped my feet and it made a terrible "SCREEECHHh" sound. I tripped over him as we both fell to the ground, his papers scattering. I looked down at him and noticed that he was a white hedghog. He had 5 quills that is straight up on the front and two quills, like Sonic's but a little longer. He had yellow or gold eyes or both. I looked down at his clothing, or more like, the BOY'S clothing. He was wearing sweater vest with a white shirt inside. He wore long black pants and has black school shoes. We stayed like that but he struggled to get free from me. I quickly snapped back to reality and gave him a sheepish smile.

"Sorry...." I mumbled.

He shook his head. "No need to, Miss......?" He said questionaly as I held up my hand and covered my mouth and giggled quietly. I saw him blush. 'I guess I should tell him the truth.' I thought and stood away from the white hedgehog and held out a hand. The hedghog  took it and I pulled him up. He nodded a thanks.

"So what's you name?" The white hedgehog asked.

"Sonic the hedgehog. And I'm NOT a GIRL! I only dressed like this because the boys uniform are all solded out!" I yelled. Others looked at us but the others didn't. 

My ears folded back as tears formed my eyes.

"I'm s-sorry....I-I didn't mean tos-scream at you....." I apologized as few tears streamed down my cheeks. 

He wiped my tears as I looked back up at him. 

He smiled."Don't cry now. You'll ruin the first day of fun!" He whisper-shouted. 

"Your name by the way?" I asked as I wiped my tears off.

"My name's Silver the hedgehog." He said as I nodded. I smiled.

"We could hang out! If you.....want to..." I asked, nervously.

He smiled."Sure!" I smiled back.

I helped him pick up his papers while I asked. "Oh, before I will forget, which class are you?" I asked.

He looked up to me and answered."519 Class B." 

My eyes widened as I squealed. 

"Wha? What's so exciting?" He asked, confused.

"I'm gonna be you classmate!" I said. 

Suddenly, the school bell  was off and students were rushing to their home rooms. I looked up at Silver as he grinned and we both rushed to our home room. 

We both stopped at the entrace and I stopped. I was shaking but someone's hand soothed my shoulders. "It's gonna be okay, Sonic." He said with a reasurring smile. I nodded as I took a deep breath and opened the door.


Yeah, Im gonna start off with sonilver, then sonourge, then sonadow, and knucxonic and mephonic! Woohoo! I hope you enjoyed! Have a nice day!

Sonadow, Sonourge, Knuxonic, Sonilver, Mephonic story- Fivesome Frenzy!Where stories live. Discover now