Prologue: Tukoth

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Being set upon the earth among my brother and sisters we wandered the earth together for a time. Learning of the world in which we lived and learning more of ourselves at the same time. Each of us had our little quirks and irritations. But none more so than myself, I seemed to prefer a solitary existence and so it was, when we made it to the northern areas among the mountains and stone I parted from my family and continued alone. 

I made of myself a man short of stature with strong arms and legs meant for physical labors. I grew a beard and clothed myself in the furs of the animals I ate that I might better be prepared for the sometimes cold nights. In my wanderings I came across a mountain goat who seemed to take a liking to me. As such, we became friends of a sort and we wandered together. Sometimes walking side by side and sometimes me sitting upon her back. We made quite a pair, Grenna and I.

On a particularly nice day we decided to see what was on the other side of the mountain in which we lived. When we reached the other side, the view was particularly breathtaking. It seemed our little mountain was only one of many set about in a ring. In the middle of that ring was a valley and in the valley surrounded by water so clear it reflected the mountains and sky back to me perfectly sat an island. Now, I've never had an affinity with water or plants mind you but I was inexplicably drawn to this place like a rope had been tied about my waist and I was being drawn to the center of that island.

We made our way down the mountain towards the island at the center of our valley in an almost dreamlike state. I hardly remember a thing about the entire journey and it took us almost seven moons, all told. On the way, I found myself shaping the rock and stone in my own image and with but a breath upon the stone it took on a life of its own and so, the Dwarven people were born.

I lived among them, for a time teaching them the ways of the world in which we lived. Showing them how to hunt and clothe themselves. They began to grow into themselves and had a knack for life, living and breeding and becoming a true race of men. Some of those who were born into my own little world I gave certain gifts. Talents with finding or shaping the metals found in the mountains or the ability to talk to stone and shape it as I shaped them withholding only the ability to breathe life into it. 

Upon seeing the world I had created, I once again longed for the solitary existence I once enjoyed. Knowing my people could care for themselves, I once again ascended into the mountains I loved with Grenna by my side. There, I lived and watched over those I had given life to, only returning to give them the gifts of the earth a few times each season.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2015 ⏰

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