Jedi Prison

31 1 8

10000 years Later

Creeperbrine's POV (Cody is now creeperbrine)

I was walking though  the Jedi Base if you think I am on they're side well your wrong I don't take sides in wars. I am here because I want to offer peace between the Jedi and the empire. I hate wars and just because I am part brine doesn't make me a killer. Suddenly I run into someone we both fell on our backs. "Sorry" I said I look up and saw it was king creeper. My white eyes widen in surprise "Are you by any chance king creeper." 

He said "Yes... you sound surprise?"

"Well I'm pretty sure you was dead"

"I was but now I am back."

"OK and why are you here"

"Well I heard that the Jedi are the good guys and I have to find my wife... and why are you here brine"

"You know what a brine is?"

"My mobs told me"

"Well I am here because am don't like wars and I was hoping to make peace I started here first because... you know"

"Yeah ... hey can you follow me"

"OK" I follow him until we was at a dead end. I turned around at the sound of something banging behind me and saw that I was in a cell of the Jedi prison. I don't know where king creeper went. I hope he is OK. I took this chance to sit now and think. I can barely ever do this because humans are every where and a creeper and brine hybrid isn't really something you can just past by.

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