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^^^kenndy's mom^^^ pov...

Omg I keep having flashbacks about Kennedy father and what he did I think he's back omg😟

Here come Joey😏

Joey. Mo where's Kennedy I need to talk her! . No Joey you did to much already and push I'm glad my child did not get pregnant by you😌!

Joey.yea yea I know I rape her but I going to class and I'm getting help mo please let me in her life😩! I have yoga class! What he doing here he did to much to me and I don't need you no more " . Now look Joey your own child does not want you around her no more ! And if you want to come back in her life do better okay!

Joey. Look love you both to death I want you back mo and I need my own child I love yall and I also getting help trust me😥 please

Kennedy.okay dad I trust you but I have to go to yoga whit August! By mom and dad!

An. Ms .mo and Joey kinda got was having lots of sex lately!

August. Ayer there go Mocs head !

Kennedy. Stop playing August and Heyy kiaa😘!


August. Wassup what's going on?

Kennedy. Oh well my father home again trying to win my his trust back but I think he already did but as soon as I left I heard them saying nasty and freaky things😭

August.oh well you won't to say at my places for awhile? Ken

Kennedy.rd lets go now👌!

"August house "

August. Aye ken why you got on then booty short underwear and a crop top bra!

Kennedy. Oh I just wanted to get comfortable!

August. Well come sit next to me and play gta whit me please boo?

Kennedy. No I want to cap my ass😂!

August. Well do it on me so when you get a boyfriend I know what it feel like😉!

Kennedy. Oh okay but don't catch a boner nigga!

So Kennedy did her thing while August was holding her hips and then she kissed him !

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