Raining - Elton

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It's colder out here.

In the pitch-black I can't see the stars, or the moon, and I can't see the trees. I only know they're there because I can hear them. The rain doesn't seem to be any faster or heavier but it's just as wet, and I'm as soaked as if I'd just come out of the sea. I try to remember the last time I did that but I can't. All that keeps popping into my head is Wake's family's boat. It used to sit on the space in front of their porch and during the day his father would hammer away at it, trying to get it fit for the sea.

It still does. It's Wake that is in the past.

Diamond coughs. Somehow she manages to make it sound almost sweet, though barbed. She doesn't need to clear her throat; she's reminding me not to stray too far from the spider's web that her and Luxie have woven. If I take one step too far they'll rip my head from my shoulders. And probably play catch with it, judging by the look in Luxie's eyes when she glared down on me. I couldn't help laughing. It was funny, just the sort of thing Wake would have said, and I've not had much to smile about. Though I can't remember what was even said, now. Just the menacing look in Luxie's eyes and the pain in my shins and the horrible, dreadful feeling that that was it for me.

It wasn't, though, was it? I'm still alive. Still alive and one more dead, which makes two today. I've had nothing to do but sit and count the cannons. Every time I distract myself, thinking of the food in the Capitol until I can practically taste it, I catch sight of Diamond and remember the gurgling of Wake's stomach as he died and that I could be next, and the mere thought of food is suddenly disgusting.

Two more today means ten overall. Half of that, half of it is us. If this has occurred to the others then they don't show any of it and just carry on, ever-loyal. Or terrified. Anybody who leaves will be hunted, that's what she said, and Luxie and Diamond hunting must be like being chased by sirens. Beautiful girls, both of them. Not giggly enough, though, not for my liking. Same as Ade but you'd have to be mad to even think that; she's off limits. Wouldn't want to be chased by her either, not with weapons.

Half the ones left and if Luxie's got any sense, she won't like those odds. She wants things smooth, a nice easy victory, and the first obstacle is me. Venus and Ade as well, but me first, I'm the weak link. She's going to attack me and it could be any time and I haven't slept in days. It's like the food. Every time I remember Wake's face, surprise and betrayal so it was almost comical, I never want to sleep again. If I sleep he'll tell me it's my fault, his guts spewing from his mouth because he can't hold them in. Never again.

Out here there's space. Air. Diamond lingers in the Cornucopia rim, watching me with her huge eyes, far enough away that she's no trouble for this second. For this second I am alive and safe. Unarmed; I'm not trusted with a weapon. Scared of me, I reckon, thinking that I'll snap and stop caring about my own life anymore and just go for it. But I'm not that stupid, Luxie.

I should have trained more. I should never have brought Wake. I should have watched while I was snapping Three's neck, maybe seen it coming and warned him.

I get home first. Then...then what? Try to forget it? Grin and wave and smile for the Capitol, have some fun with the ladies and be hailed by the fishermen and just try to pretend that Wake's family aren't there in the background. I'll give them money, enough for his old man to fix the boat and for them to sort the roof out. And then that'll be it, done, on with my life.

Except every time I sleep Wake will blame me.

And if Luxie gets her way, I'm not getting home. And she looks like the girl who always gets what she wants. No fail.

I can't wander unarmed. I haven't trained for not having some kind of weapon apart from my devastating charm. Somehow, I need to sneak a weapon past Luxie and Diamond.

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