How It All Began

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The day my life turned into a catastrophe.

I was sitting in my room doing my homework. I was just finishing up when my phone buzzes. I pick it up and check to see who it is, it's my aunt. "Hi aunt Mel!" I say. "Hi sweetie, how are you?" "I'm good, just finishing up some homework, we have a final exam next week" "Oh, alright" she says. "Why did you call?" I ask her. "No reason. I was just checking on you. Are mom and dad back from work yet?" "No, they said they needed to go somewhere after work, they haven't called" There's a quick moment of silence. "Aunt Mel? Are you there?" "Honey, I've got to go, I'll call you back later" Is something wrong? I think to myself. My aunt is always fun to talk to. We usually have long conversations about everything: family, school, friends. I guess today was just different. I try to take the concerned tone out of my voice. "Um, okay, that's fine. I need to get back to studying anyways" "Okay, you keep studying, love you!" She hangs up. Now I'm really concerned. This has never happened. I shake the thought out of my head. I head downstairs to get myself a quick snack. As I head downstairs, I hear my older brother, Jake talking on the phone. I know it's not good to eavesdrop, but I can't help listening to what he's saying. "Yes, I heard" he says. "I'm okay, aunt Mel told me. Of course I'm devastated, but I need to be strong. For myself, and for Abby. She would be so hurt if she knew" Okay, this is it. I'm going to ask him what he's talking about. I think to myself. As soon as I decide to walk up to my brother he hangs up. He sees me and quickly pretends like he wasn't just on the phone about 30 seconds ago. "Jake? Who were you just on the phone with?" "Nobody, just a friend" he replies. " A friend?" I ask. "Yes, Abby a friend" He looks extremely sad. "Jake, please tell me the truth. I overheard you talking to someone, and telling them that I would be hurt if I knew what you were talking about" "How much of the conversation did you hear?" he asks. "Um, just the end, that's all" His eyes are watery. "Jake, oh my god, are you okay?" He never cries. Ever. "I'm okay. I'll tell you later. I have a paper to write now" He gives me quick hug, and walks upstairs to his room. I am completely confused, and worried. I feel a mixture of horrific feelings. I don't know what's wrong, and I don't know how I can help. "Okay, calm down" I tell myself. "Whatever it is, I'll get over it somehow" I take a deep breath and walk over to my kitchen, where my puppy, Ollie is sitting. Well, he's actually sitting next to the pantry. I pick him up and put him on a side chair. Then, I hear a knock on my door. I close my pantry door, and run to open the door. Two police officers are standing in front of me. "Are you Abby Henderson? "One of them asks me. I nod. "Sorry, officer, can I bring my brother down? If this is something important, he should know as well" I say. "Of course." he says. I turn to see my brother already walking down the stairs and walking towards me and the police officers. "Miss, I regret to inform you that your parents have passed away in a car accident earlier today" The police officer says. "No, this can't be true!" I scream. "Please make sure your talking about the correct car accident, I heard about one earlier today also, and both of the girls' parents passed away" This can't be happening. The second officer then speaks: " Miss, I assure you, we have had two car accidents today, and your parents, unfortunately were in one of the vehicles, and have been killed." I scream. My brother takes over from there. "Thank you sir, I'll make sure my sister is okay" The police officers leave and my brother shuts the door. "Abby, are you okay?" he asks me. "You knew all along, but you didn't say anything, BROTHER!" I shriek. " Abby" "Don't even talk to me. If you loved me, you would have told me, no matter how hurt I would have been, I can't believe my own brother would keep this away from me!" "Abby, aunt Mel was going to come over and tell you in an hour, but as you can see the police officers came earlier, and now you know. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you. You think it's easy telling your little sister something horrendous like this? Really, I am sorry" He's crying. I run to give him a hug. "That's okay. I mean, even though I'm still really mad at you, I forgive you. I would have done the same thing. Now, you can go call aunt Mel, and tell her I already know what happened, and continue writing your paper" "Okay, I will. I'm just going to get Ollie, and head upstairs". No, I'm never going to live without my parents I think to myself. Please, this can't be happening. Then, everything goes black.

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