Nobody could tell ever tell what would happen tomorrow.
Supp dude? Im JLan. Just my nickname. This would be my online diary.
Im going to tell you my story.It starts on August 12, 2:02 A.M.. I couldn't sleep. Many thing comes to my mind. My bestfriends birthday, my COC account, my grades and a lot of personal stuff. I have been wondering a lot about my belief. Im an atheist for more than 2years now. And I am brainstorming about hell. Why would ruler of Hell, Satan punishes people that help him on Earth? This keeps my mind busy the whole dawn.
I am planning to go to hell, to check if it was true. I wanna personnally ask Satan why would he punish his helpers. Maybe Im crazy to think about this stuff. Maybe Im crazy to have suicidal thoughts just to check these things if they were true.
Random thoughts rushes to my mind. If I would have a superpower what would it that be and would I be a hero? What would be my alter ego's name? First power that comes to my mind is time manipulation. Im careless person. I lose many things due to my harsh actions. Slapping my girlfriend because she tells me so. Ruining someones day just for fun. And a lot of idiotic things. Yeah In selfish. If I have time manipulation I could straighten up my past. Do good things instead of bad and choose the right decision. Its just for my personal gain. I could go tomorrow and use check winning lotto number to bet. Insta millionaire.
Second power would be invinsibility. Im a little pervent. 1st I would go to girls cr then watch them take a pee or shower. I would also rob the rank. A things that is ipossible if I got invisibility power. Nobody would win against me from robbing the street if they cant see me.
Yeah I've been spouting nonsense. I think nobody would read this tho.
Damn. This conclude my entry for today. Ciao baby. :)