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We arrived at the restaurant and ordered our food.
Beau told me about how the janoskians started and how he never thought it would really come this far. He told me he had even been invited to premiers with red carpets.
I smiled at beau and told him that I was happy for him and all of the boys. I never realised how the janoskians were actually getting that big and that they were getting invited to these events. 
He then asked about me, and about what I wanted to do after school and about my family.
We finished out meal and left the restaurant. I looked up at the dark sky and then to beau.
'Hey let's go back to mine' beau said quietly in almost a husky whisper. I nodded.
We arrived outside beaus he bit he smiled and wrapped his arms around my lower back. I took his lead and wrapped mine around his neck and ran my fingers through his hair as we kissed.
It was quiet... Just me and him kissing outside his door.
Beau opened the door, I giggled as he then lead me into his house while kissing me. We continued until I heard a mixture of laughing whistling and someone yelling 'get a room!'
We broke apart and turned to find Jai, Luke, Skip, James, Emily and Eva who had been interrupted by their film.
Skip joked making moaning noises and whistling. I blushed but also giggled a little. I completely forgot that Emily told me they were all hanging out tonight.

'We will be down in a second' beau announced as he grabbed my hand and led me upstairs to his room.
He lent me on of his tshirts to change into. I look off my dress and pulled the tshirt down. He opened the door and I think he might have seen a little bit of my stomach as I pulled the tshirt down as he smiled and then put his hands on my hips. As it was big on me it almost came up to my knee and was ok to wear on its own. Beau took of his shirt and walked over to me. He smirked and looked at me. He came close to me and wrapped his arms around me as I put my lips to his and kissed him, he kissed back and his arms slid down my body. We decided it was probably best to stop and go down stairs.
'Actually...' He said as he grabbed a pair of his sweat pants 'as hot as you look now maybe you should wear these... I err... I don't want skip getting his eye on you, you know what he's like- a bit of a lady's man. or anyone getting the wrong idea as we have been up here a while.' He laughed
'Ok I will but beau this is long anyway it almost comes to my knees- it's the same length as the dress I was wearing before. But I will do it so the others don't get the wrong idea and think that we have been having fun in your bedroom haha' I laughed as I slid on his sweatpants I felt so comfortable and  safe when I was with him and in his clothes.
'Well aren't you missing something...' I said as I stared down at his abs for a while.
'Oh yeah' he announced as he gives me a kiss.
'No' I laughed 'I meant a tshirt. Besides I don't want the girls down stairs looking at you or getting the wrong idea' I giggled
As he turned around to grab his tshirt I hugged him from behind and felt his abs as I did so. I laughed as he turned around. 'You like that?'he said playfully as he took my hand and directed it back to his abs. He smirked again and kissed me and then put his tshirt on quickly.

We walked downstairs to join the others.
Beau said loudly 'hey what did I miss' as he look a seat In front of the film.
He then glanced at me and tapped the space next to him- signalling to me to come over and sit next to him.
'I should be getting home soon' i thought to myself but instead accepted beaus offer and whet to sit next to him.
I smiled at beau as I could feel him watching me and instead of the film. He reached out and moved the hair out of my face as gently and quietly kissed me so the others didn't notice. I looked around and saw that Jai must have spotted us as he gave me a friendly smile. I smiled back. His smile almost told me he accepted me and beau together and was happy for us. I'm glad he likes me and that we get on well and I actually feel that was have all become really close. I thought about how happy beau makes me... Well, how happy they all make me actually. Luke and Jai have been so welcoming and always cheer me up and James and skip have also become good friends with me.

I rested my head on beaus chest as we watched the rest of the movie before heading home.

A dream? (a beau brooks fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now