Our culture was once pure and rich. Our way of living was simple, so as our way of education. Until diverse people from diverse places have come to take control of our beloved country. Literatures and pictures stand as a witness of how ancient Filipinos fought for our country.
Spanish colonizers had come to spread Christianism throughout our country, which is obviously just an excuse to gain the heart of our race. They had poisoned our language. Taught our ancestors to embrace poverty as a virtue and taught us gambling and cock-fighting.
The blond, tall Americans had poisoned our way of education, and so as our language. Their tactic of “dividing and rule” has resulted to the regionalistic division we still have today.
Japanese arrival was a nightmare for our poor ancestors. It caused so much fear, hardships and pain. Japanese and American colonialism even caused the birth of World Wars.
For a time, I was blinded of what is real. I thought that they were right for colonizing us, but now I have seen the painful reality that they filled our country with chaos, propaganda, hatred, vengeance, wars, hidden agenda, corruption, greed, lust and every devilish deed.
And the fruit of these all is my unique individuality. I am the child of the west and east combined. I am a Filipino, inheritor of a glorious past, hostage to the uncertain future.
Out of me are the voices of the unheard, the pictures of the unseen, the cries of the deaf and the truth that is ignored. I am but a dream but will stand to prove that this dream is becoming a reality.
I am a new Filipino gaining wisdom from the past. Gone is the Filipino Indolence, beholding to erase the crab mentality, further eradicating my colonial mentality.
I am a Filipino. In my blood runs the immortal seed of heroes. I am a Filipino, and this is my inheritance. I shall give the pledge that has come ringing down the corridors of the centuries, and it shall be compounded of the joyous cries of my ancestors who had suffered from the cruelty of our colonizers.
My eyes have been opened and I can see better now. I am a product of bloodshed, a new Filipino --free indeed, dreamer and the inheritor of a fruitful tomorrow