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The girl sneaked along in the shadows, hidden to the world. She glanced behind her and grined at her three other team mates, illuminated briefly by oncoming traffic; her friends she's worked with since birth. They'd gotten this far and she was determined not to mess this up.

They were finally all twelve. This meant that they were finally old enough to go on missions without their annoying adult supervisor. They felt like adults, powerful, on top of the world. The thought of their party waiting for them back at home did no help calming them down either. This night was theirs.

Too preoccupied with their various happy thoughts, they failed to notice the figures creeping up behind them.

Before the girl knew it, she was surrounded by a group of large hooded figures. Terrified, she desperately looked around her for help. Her trusted group members were on the ground unconscious or dead; she couldn't tell. As the figures closed in, she took a step back to keep her distance. She felt an icy cold run through her as her back hit a wall.

This wasn't supposed to happen, she thought, It was an easy mission. How could she mess up?

Realizing the lack of escape routes, she slowly sank to her knees. Tears running down her face, she closed her eyes.

"This won't hurt," said a heavily disguised voice.

In the shadows, hidden to the world, no one heard the blood curdling scream that was abruptly cut off.

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