Prologue Part 1: The Acceptance Letter

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Reader's POV
     The morning fog was thick around the ground on the day it all began. It was a Saturday just like any other, or so it had seemed.
     I slipped out of the warm bed, sitting with my legs over the edge for a moment, swinging my cold feet as I tilted my head back and yawned. Groggily, I gently stood and padded into my small kitchen.
     The modern kitchen was attached to the compact living room, the two only separated by a small wall that went up to my waist. I grabbed my (f/c) tea pot and filled it up at the sink, then set it on the stove to boil the water as I got out a mug.
     As I sat at my tiny two-person table, sipping my tea, I heard my mail flap swing open, the hinges creaking as they always did. The mail never comes this early. Curious, I walked to the apartment's door, only to find a single envelope on the floor. I bent and picked up the mysterious letter and took it back to the table to look it over. As I walked back, I flipped it over to get a look at who the sender was.
     Upon seeing the name, I gripped the high-backed chair and gasped.
Starsong Academy
This was only the most prestigious magic school. For years, I had studied, practiced and honed my magic to the best of my ability. A few months ago, I had finally gathered the courage to apply and had eagerly awaited this letter since. I was just about to give up hope, thinking that maybe they hadn't gotten my application at all, but here was this letter.
     As I stated at it, completely stunned and stupefied, a thought suddenly occurred to me. What if this letter just says that I didn't get in? In my opinion, not knowing if I had gotten in or not was better than knowing that I didn't get in. At least that way there was still some kind of hope. However, I was far too curious and anxious to just leave it. Now that I had this letter, I had to open it.
    I carefully opened the expensive-looking envelope, knowing that at this moment, everything was about to change, for better or for worse. With trembling fingers, I pulled out a pristine white piece of paper, folded into a uniform rectangle. I caught a few words as I was unfolding it, too excited and scared to wait to actually unfold it all the way to start reading it.
The words were typed in a shining silver ink, the font exquisite. The whole thing reminded you of a butterfly, like it would fly away if I moved wrong or breathed too loudly. I took a deep breath and began reading before I could stop myself.

Ms. (Last Name),
Thank you for applying to Starsong Academy. We are pleased to offer you a place in our exemplary program. Tuition, including payment for room and board, must be paid either in full by January 17, or be paid in monthly increments during your stay. Failure to pay will result in expulsion. Classes will start on February 2nd. We look forward to seeing you this year at Starsong Academy and hope that you will enjoy it as well.

Best Wishes,
     The Starsong Academy Staff

     Breathing out a sigh, I plopped onto the chair, eyes wide. Was this real? I fully expected to wake up in a few moments to find that this was a dream and nothing more, but if it was a dream, I wanted to enjoy my fantasy a while longer. I had actually been accepted. All of the struggle and strife that I had been through in the past year suddenly seemed worth it.
I set the letter down on the table, suddenly unsure of what to do with your life. I guess I should call people... Wasn't that what people did when they got good news? Ah, yes, it was. In my shock, I had become profusely confused.
     I grabbed the house phone, quickly punching in my parent's house phone number. After much rejoicing and a few motherly tears, I dialed my best friend's number. It didn't matter if it was 9 in the morning, I was going to wake that sucker up and tell them my good news.

Whatever plans I had for that day crumbled to dust. I had to start preparing for my departure, even though it was only December. My parents and I had already figured out the tuition issue; we were both paying half, and I'd already had my half saved on the off chance that I would get accepted.
     I couldn't keep the smile off of my face as I danced around my tiny living room, feet sliding across the shaggy carpet. I was ready for my new adventure.

Hey, guys! I'm back with yet another fanfiction! I've had this idea for a while and decided to finally do something with it. I tried to explain the kitchen/living room thing, but I don't think that really worked out, so picture those big hotel rooms that have a living room and kitchen in the same room. I hope you guys understand, if not I'll attach a picture. Thanks so much for reading and please vote and comment!

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