A long way to travel

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A long way to travel

(Chapter 1)

Thoughts swirled around me as I wandered through the vast expanse of valleys which make up the western side of the Tanquila district . I held caution as I crossed onto high ground every so often, knowing I'd stick out like a sore thumb within the wilderness. Stumbling down into the final valley I stared up at Anzaloney's Ranch which was placed precariously atop a rocky slope, on the opposite side of the valley. My heart felt heavy knowing that once I arrived I would have to face off with a masterful horse racer and trainer to win my prize.

As I drew closer to the ranch my footfalls lead me slightly off course. The Waterfall of Spirit sat majestically in front of me. There have been many myths encircled about this place and one can only see why. The water itself holding a golden hue and whisper words of forever glory seem to reach your ears. The most prominent theory about the falls is that, if you drink the water you, if worthy, would become a god or goddess. However if you are an unworthy being the water will rot you from the inside out. Immortality all depends on the pureness of spirit and your ability to take risks. Walking even closer to the calls my eyes caught sight of a couple of recent skeletons. Ignoring their presence I settled down on a large highly polished rock nestled near the main section of the waterfall. Taking a draft from the spring water from my leather pouch, I pondered more on the myth. Pulling an empty potions vial from one of the saddle bags, which I'd adjusted to create a backpack like form. I placed it under the waterfall, catching some of the intriguing water within its clear casing. Plonking a top on it before I lay it in my bag and continued towards Anzaloney's Ranch. 

Reaching the rocky incline I took a final look at the valley below. The setting sun's rays hit the waterfall, upon impact turning into nearly blinding golden sparks. The beauty created was truly extraordinary and to this day I recognise it as one of the most beautiful places within our realm. Finding footholds on the rocky incline was easier than anticipated and filled me with a new field of hope. I kept my body close to the rock wall, feeling my muscles scream under the pressure of clinging to the craggy surface. Reaching the top without a glitch, I begun to round the ranch walls attempting to find the entrance. Spotting a carefully constructed wooden arch, I strode towards it. As I got closer to my destination, something slipped into my vision. At first I wasn't sure what it was. Slowing my pace I tried to determine what it was. The figure turned out to be a boy, who couldn't have been senior to ten-and-seven years.  His jet black hair stood as shocking contrast to the light limestone wall behind him. Drawing closer, I noticed a pair of scrutinising azure eyes locked with mine. He shouted out, loud, low and gravelled.  Warning me not to go inside until morning. By this time I was stood directly in front of him.

"Why" I questioned, annoyance seeping through my tone despite my efforts to cover it up.

"Because my father's having one of his famous rages"

"Where will I stay the night in this barren landscape? This is the only building for miles"

"We are not an Inn however it is not in my nature to not be hospitable, I guess I could let you through. Although I must ask, wo are you and where do you come from?" He asked politely but his body language informed me he was mistrusting of my presence.

"Who are you to be asking such questions?" I spoke indigently

"The names Luke Anzaloney, son of Daniel who is the owner of this humble ranch."

"I'm Baisakhi Lunar Chalawell. I come from Fortis and when it was destroyed I moved to Marisa, I'm apparently the legendary......" However I didn't get to finish my sentence as the boy called Luke had cut in.

"Master of Darkness. Oh I have been waiting here for the day when I would make your acquaintance, please forgive my suspicion, please come in. My father will be so pleased that you have arrived". He stared at me with wide eyes; I could tell that he was a tiny bit unhappy that the hero of the kingdom was a woman.

"All is forgiven. You need not worry."

I was quickly led up a slight slope which ran directly beneath the wooden arch, marking the way into the ranch. Luke held a new energy now; he'd seemed rather flat before but even in the way he walked held a new level of life. Everything remained silent as we passed a wooden setup which provided a ring for horses to roam, despite the lack of door they seemed to stay put. Quite suddenly Luke turned, asking whether he could travel with me and help with the huge task of returning the Realm to peace and prosperity. I replied swiftly "only if you say please". This was met by melodic laughter. I decided to take up a serious note. "You know this task is not your burden, if you die it may be in vain."

"I'm aware that this task isn't, as you put it, my burden but that doesn't mean I want to sit idly by as the fate of the realm is being decided. I've sat by for too long; please allow me to offer my services as a travel companion."  I paused for a second considering my response.

"I see no problem with you accompanying me." All I received was a smile in response before a large heavy looking door was heaved open. An I entered a large, round, stone building on the far left side of the ranch.

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