Chapter Two

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Talia's pov

This is the first time I have actually thought that a guy Lacey and Rosie thought was hot actually was! He is absolutely gorgeous and he's stood outside of my locker!

"Come on" I say to Lacey and walk over to where he's stood "Excuse me" I say and he moves

"Sorry" he says and I smile at him

"So are you new?" I ask trying to start a casual conversation so that I had a reason to talk to him

"Yeah, how did you guess?" he says sarcastically and I laugh

"Well I've never seen you before and trust me I would have remembered if I had seen you before" I say and he smirks

"And why would you remember me?" he asks

"I have a good memory" I reply and his smirk drops a tiny bit

"Is that so?" he says and I nod

"Yep" I say and open my locker

"What's your name?" he asks

"Talia, Talia Reed" I answer "What's yours?" I ask

"Jordan, Jordan Lee" he says and I smile at him

"Would you show me around?" he asks and I nod

"Sure, what have you got first?" I ask

"Maths" he answers

"What room?" I question

"223" he says

"Cool we have the same first lesson" I tell him

"Awesome" is all he says

"So why did you move here?" I ask

"My dad had a job transfer" he answers nonchalantly

"Come on I'll show you to class" I say before saying by to Lacey and Rosie-jay and telling them I'll see them later

"Are they your friends?" he asks

"No there my followers" I say sarcastically

"I don't like them" he says and i look up at him shocked

"Why? You don't even know them" I state

"They seem to... what's the word.... Peppy" he answers and shrugs

"There not peppy! They are actually pretty cool once you get to know them" I say defending my best friends

"Why don't you hang around with the populars?" he asks

"I don't know" I answer honestly, they have offered, many times, to let me into their little group but I always refuse

"Well I think you should" he says looking at me "I like popular girls" he says with a wink. What is he doing? Is he flirting with me?

"Well that'" I say and it ends up sounding like a question

"I think it is too" he says smirking again "You know, the populars offered to let me sit with them at lunch, I think you should ditch your friends and come sit with me" he says and I gasp

"I can't just leave them!" I exclaim

"Why not? I'm sure they'd understand" he says

"Um...Well...I... okay I will" I say and he grins widely

"Thanks babe" he says and I swear my heart stopped!

"Y-your welcome" I stutter

"Aww your cute when you blush" he says and only then do I realise I'm blushing and end up turning a brighter shade of red

"Shut up!" I groan and he laughs at me

I show him to our class room and as he walks up to the teacher, I go and take my seat in the back of the room

"Class can I have your attention please!" Mr Landon shouts and everyone turns to look at him

"Thank you, this" he says gesturing at Jordan "Is the new kid Jordan, would you like to tell us a bit about yourself Jordan?" Mr Landon says and Jordan shrugs

"Hey, my name is Jordan Lee, I'm seventeen. Just moved here from Doncaster and I only know one person in this school" he says looking at me

"Oh and who is that?" Mr Landon asks

"Talia" he answer and everyone in class turns to face me, I see all the girls giving me dirty looks and roll my eyes at them

"Why don't you go and sit with Talia then" Mr Landon says and Jordan takes a seat next to me

"You do realises that every girl in this class room is glaring at you right?" Jordan asks and I laugh

"Yeah it's because you said you know me" I say with a shrug

"What are they jealous or something?" he asks and I nod

"Probably" I mumble and Jordan laughs at me

"What lesson have you got next?" he asks me

"Drama" I say grinning, I love that class!

"I'm guessing you like that class" he says and I nod

"It's amazing!" I shout and some of the other students give me dodgy looks

"I'll take your word for it considering that's my next class too" he says

"Really?" I ask and he nods. Wow I get to spend all morning with him, this should be fun...



Wow my story got pretty popular!

Thanks guys!

You are all amazing!




Jade ;)

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2013 ⏰

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