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Robin advanced on Joyce with a flying spin kick, which Joyce barely dodged. Robin was vicious, and freakishly fast. He threw a blur of punches, but after the 3rd one, Joyce dropped down into a full split and dodged the rest of the attack. But Robin was not giving up. He kicked Joyce back with his foot so she was lying down with her legs wide open, she was out of options. Robin put his one foot on Joyce's chest and chuckled something like being too easy. Joyce narrowed her eyes and refused to lose. She brought her 2 legs together like a scissor and tripped Robin. He fell and Joyce quickly got up. They were even now.

Robin swiftly got up, compared to Joyce's desperate scramble. And he got in his battle stance. Joyce did too. And Robin laughed a little.

"Not some little girl, huh?" Robin teased.

And Joyce had to admit, she blushed and swooned a little. Really, who doesn't have a little crush on Robin? She loved his laugh. Wait!!!! What was she thinking?!?! Joyce snapped herself out of it and placed her solid obsidian eyes on Robin's.

"I-I'm 13" Joyce stuttered. She was still blushing.

Robin laughed again. "So we're even...." he said humorously. It took all the self control in Joyce to not laugh too. She did a flipping downwards kick, but Robin back flipped to dodge the kick. It was like the whole fight was choreographed. Robin threw five exploding discs but Joyce rolled under the explosion and sneakily slipped a birdarang out of Robin's belt in the process. She snuck behind him and put the birdarang to his throat. Robin chuckled and said something that was inaudible. Soon, Robin took her hand and spun her around, like they were dancing. Birdarang in hand, she pointed it at Robin. Robin took it out of her hand and stuffed it back in his belt. Joyce blushed madly again and regained a wobbly battle stance. Robin scoffed and did a freakishly fast spin kick. Joyce took the blow and fell. But Robin obviously had not learned his lesson. Joyce tripped him and, with all her willpower, she threw Robin to Jayna, who fell from hovering. Jayna clapped her hands and Robin disappeared. Jayna glared at Joyce.

"Seriously, Joyce?!?" Jayna said, irritated. "Your fight was SO boring! It was like an 8th grade dance!!! I'm gonna talk to bird boy later about not killing you off..." Joyce blushed red and her heart accelerated when Jayna said 8th grade dance. Did it really look that gentle?!

The others had taken hint of Joyce's strategy and her team threw off their opponents to Jayna. Honey Lemon froze Cheshire and melted her knives with her chem balls and threw the block of Ice to Jayna. Soon, Jayna was covered with her fallen soldiers. She yelled loudly and a red aura covered her and her pawns. They disappeared with a flash, and Joyce blew out a sigh. All she could think of was her fight with Robin.

"Pathetic," Joyce scolded herself. It was just a passig crush, right? She threw all her tangled emotions aside and walked with her team ahead to the great unknown...


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