Chapter 11

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"Yep little bro, I'm back in town." Cooper told me.

"Why?" I asked still confused.

"Mom called me out of the blue and told me about what happened... I also need to film a commercial here so..." Cooper said probably realizing that something in his response needed to be about him.

"So, are you going to come here?"

"Yeah. But where is here exactly? Because after our last conversation I am even more confused then before."

"I'm staying at my boyfriends house."

"Okay. I have to go, Michael Bay is calling."

"Later Coop."

I hung up the phone and went over to Kurt who had fallen asleep on the bed.

I turned off the light and just laid down next to him, then just fell asleep.


I woke up to a smell of pancakes in the air.

I rolled over and saw that Kurt wasn't at my side anymore. I groaned and got out of the bed.

I slowly walked down the stairs still in my pajamas without my hair gel on.

"Boo." I said sneaking up behind Kurt. Kurt turned around and hit me on the arm with a plastic spatula.

I laughed and put my arms around his waist as he turned back to the pancakes.

"Do you want some pancakes?" Kurt asked me turning his head towards me.

"Sure. They smell really good."

Kurt plopped a couple of pancakes on a plate and handed them to me as we walked to the table.

"So we have glee club today." Kurt said. I nodded my head and then just continued to eat pancakes. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah why?" I asked.

"You don't really seem like yourself..."

I shrugged his comment off and put my hands through my curly hair.

"Blaine can you talk to me?"

"Well I am not being myself because I am not really being anything right now. Thanks for the breakfast." I said taking my plate over to the sink.

I ran upstairs and went into Kurt's room.

I felt so confused, because I was happy, but then my entire brain shut down and I was acting bitchy.

Needing to clear my head, I dialed Cooper's number on my phone.

I grabbed my clothes and started to change as Cooper decided to answer the phone.

"What's up squirt?" He asked.

"Can we meet up at the Lima Bean? I just want to talk to my brother."

"Sure Blainey."

I hung up the phone and gelled up my hair.

Kurt walked into the room and took off his shirt and started to change.

"Where are you going?" Kurt asked me taking my hand.

"I'm hanging out with Coop for a bit."

"Okay, we'll be back soon because we do have school today."

I checked my watch and realized it was 7:30... shoot only had an hour before school.

"I will be right back." I said putting my hands on his shoulders and then running out the door.

The Boy Of My DreamsWhere stories live. Discover now