Prologue (part 1)

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"Hey you're our neighbor right?" Mikey, who had been sat on a beach chair that had enough shade it could have been Brendon Urie's forehead's shadow, looked up from the comic book he was reading and squinted his eyes at the kid standing in front of him. For a second there, Mikey thought he was going crazy if he was to be honest, because (a) he was pretty certain that it was the comic book character talking back to him (b) he was actually hoping it was the comic book character talking back to him and (c) who the fuck would talk to him? Clearly, this kid. He had dark, caramel skin, shoulder length black hair, black swimming shorts, and thick black leather bracelets around his wrists. He seemed about Mikey's age, a year older at most, but certainly less dickish then the rest of the kids Mikey's age.

The boy saw the confusion in Mikey's squint...if it was confusion...he could also have been squinting at the fact that he had now had to look up from the book and face the boy's direction, which was also the direction that the bright Mexican sun was in. "On the boat." The boy elaborated. " I think you're in the cabin next to us...somewhere in the 7350's odd right?" he smiled at Mikey, awaiting his response so he could go back to bathing in the bright blue water of the Mexican shore.

"Uhh...yeah" Mikey said in a shy voice. He hadn't talked to anyone in like what 3 hours? Unless yelling at the author of the comic book he was re-reading for the heart wrenching plot twist that was in said comic counted. He didn't think it did, despite his sanity wanting it too.

"Cool." The darker skinned boy flashed him another all-teeth smile. "See you around then!" He sprinted towards the water, carefully maneuvering himself around the people walking to-and-from, leaving behind a mess of footprints in the soft smooth sand. Mikey thought that maybe he was from New York. From his experience with New Yorkers, or at least the one's in Manhattan, they all walked incredibly fast and were incredibly good at maneuvering themselves through the waves of people who roamed the streets of NYC at probably -2mph. Seriously, one minute they were probably 90 ft away from you and within the blink of an eye all you saw was a person ducking into the gap next to you followed by that same person ending up 90 ft in front of you. New Yorker's were crazy. He didn't know how a Jersey boy, like his brother, was gonna make it.

Speaking of Gerard, the shitface was now facing him from the somehow shadier beach chair two seats over and snickering at his brown haired, lanky, lesbian-looking younger brother. "What?" Mikey asked him, puzzled by what Gerard could possibly be snickering about. He had read the comic Gerard was (also) re-reading and knew there was nothing to be laughing about. Especially since the character he had a tiny (not really, it was actually the size of Brendon Urie's forehead) crush on had died in that issue. Granted, Gerard was a morbid, sadistic idiot who would freak out the first time he read the story, cry the next time he read it, and then laugh every other time the same fucking comic was read.

"You got talked to" Gerard replied in a singy-songy mocking voice, while doing his best to stay well inside the shade of the huge palm tree to his left.

"Shut up. At least people want to talk to me. You can't really say the same, can you?" Mikey said with a smug face, knowing that that would shut Gerard up for maybe 30 seconds if he was lucky, seeing as his brother couldn't stop talking for 2 seconds.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever loser." He said looking around at all the people and all that fucking sun ew. "So, who was that?"

"None of your business fuckwad" Gerard glared at him and opened his mouth to say some retort that Mikey really rather not hear."He's that 90's goth kid on the ship. The one that's always wearing the black button down, black pants, black fedora, black wristbands, black over-ear headphones, and like 95 fucking chains" he said listing each article of clothing on his fingers and rolling his eyes.

"Oh yeah, he's fairly local. I've seen him around." Gerard leaned back against the seat and put his sunglasses on. "Fucking scene queen." Mikey let out a laugh.

"You're an asshole." Mikey said going back to the comic book he was reading before.

"You laughed." Gerard said nonchalantly, knowing he was an asshole, but also knowing that his brother was an asshole, as his mom, and his dad, and quite possibly his great-great-great-aunt Sally from Texas that most likely didn't exist.

"Whatever. It's not like we'll ever see the kid again." Mikey said, trying to ease of his guilt, because despite being in a family full of assholes, he was at least 2% less asshole-y than them.

"He literally just said we're in the room next to them you idiot."

There was a pause in the conversation before the word "SHIT" left Mikey's mouth and his eyes opened wide as he came to a sudden realization. "Gerard..."

"What the hell do you want Mikey?"

"They heard our 7 am reenactment of Bohemian Rhapsody"

Gerard put his hand over his mouth, absolutely regretting being the dramatic little shit he was and releasing a quiet, hushed "Fuck" before their parents reached the beach chairs and contaminated them with their soggy beach water.

Lol I'm posting a new story without even updating my other one, high five for me. I'm so far petekey's ass jfc I just needed to write this. I actually have like 10 stories I wanna write but I'm too lazy so uh yeah we'll see if i ever post them. Thanks for reading, bye y'all!!!!!

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