Any Minute Now.

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Any Minute Now.

Any minute now.

In any minute he would arrive.

In any minute I would be holding what I'd always longed for.

In any minute I would receive a 9 millimeter.

In any minute I would witness the beauty of black, shiny metal.

In any minute I would kiss the barrel of the gun.

In any minute I would smile to the ceiling.

In any minute he would be leaving.

In any minute the man would be gone.

In any minute she would return home.

In any minute the woman I loved would be in the kitchen.

In any minute my girlfriend would be cooking ramen for dinner because that's all we had.

In any minute she would come into the bedroom.

In any minute she would be checking on me.

In any minute I would see her beautiful face.

In any minute I would contemplate my decisions.

In any minute I would let one, single tear fall from my face.

In any minute my girlfriend and I would share one last kiss.

In any minute fright would scatter across her eyes.

In any minute something would snap in my head.

In any minute I would show her my new toy.

In any minute we would hear a loud bang.

In any minute my girlfriend would be on the floor.

In any minute she will be smiling up at the ceiling.

In any minute I would look at her fondly.

In any minute I would swallow a bullet.

In any minute I would be joining my girlfriend.

In any minute we would be smiling at the ceiling together.

Any minute now.

**Text copyright © SkylerIsAnOutCast_™ 2015-2016**

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