Chapter 1 - Class With the New Kid

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Warning: There is profanity in this chapter. (For those of you that don't know what that is: curseing/cussing)

My name is December Marie June. I'm 16 years old. I like to sing, write, read, help out others, and spend time with loved ones, including pets. The biggest and most important detail about my life is the fact that I'm dead. Weird I know but I am in fact dead. How I died, you may ask? Well, that's why I'm here. I will be telling you the story of my death. Where should I start... I know! My first day of junior year in highschool.

My best friends Mark, Joe, Alex, April, and I were walking to the front doors when one of the athletes, John, ran into me. "Ass!" I called after him but he kept going. "People. Most of them are douchebags. I swear to it!" Alex remarked and we all agreed. I picked up my things off the ground and went about my business. "What classes do we have together, guys?" I asked our clique. With that we all compared our schedules and I have photography with Mark and April, math with Alex, Joe, and Mark, and English with all of them. As for the rest of my classes I'm alone.

As the bell rang, we all parted ways to our first period class. I unfortunately have gym. When I was heading for my locker, I realized I lost my phone somewhere. "Shit!" I whisper-yelled under my breathe. As I turned around to go find it, Mr. R, the gym teacher, stopped me, "Hey December! Nice to see you back."

"Hey, Mr. R." I replied awkwardly, "It's great to see you to."

'My phone is for sure gone by now.' I thought to myself.

"Get ready for a great year!"

"Will do, Mr. R."

He turned around and started for the boys locker room, where his office is located. "Great." I said out loud, irritated. I started to storm off to the girls locker room when someone tapped on my shoulder.

I turned around to find a dark-brown haired, baby blue-eyed boy who was about three inches taller than I was. He's very muscular but more so lean. I've never seen him at school before though. "Hey... you dropped your phone." with that, he pulled my phone out of his pocket in perfect shape.

"Oh my god! Thank you so much! I haven't seen you around school before... although it is the first day." I stated while retrieving my phone from his hand.

He chuckled and scratched the back of his head, "Yeah, I just moved here a month ago from Europe, although I've lived here before I moved. Kind of why I don't sound like them, although I could if I wanted to."

"That's really cool. So where are you heading to?"

"Actually I go here."

"Cool! I obviously owe you so do you want to hang out until I can find a way to repay you?"

"Just hanging out with you will be enough."

I felt the heat rise up my face. He chuckled at my reaction. After he finished, he said, "Well, we should get ready for gym. See you there." and walked off.

I lingered there for 30 seconds to try and compose myself, then went to change. 'First day and I'm already falling' I thought to myself and finished changing.

After Mr. R finished his lecture on safety and what we should and shouldn't wear, he let us play with basketballs or walk around the gym. I went to go grab a basketball when someone grabbed my arm and pulled me away. "My name is Luca, by the way." he said and I knew it was the guy from earlier. "My name is December," I told him shyly.

(A/N: This is one of the first stories that I have ever finished in my life and it is very cringe worthy because at the time I wrote it, I was still rather new to writing and I just wanted to try it out. This whole story will be very badly written, but eventually I am hoping to fix it with a rewrite of the whole story.)

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