Chapter Seven - Wow, a REAL genie!

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I watched as Edward sat down on the couch looking down at that old dusty lamp in his hands. Although oddly enough I never saw him finding that, which annoyed me a bit as I HATED when I couldn't see something. It made me feel so...human. I looked at him, staring at him, with my hands to my hips waiting for him to explain what was with that damn lamp. He had been avoiding my questions the whole way home and would snap at me anytime I even got close to touching the lamp. "Are you going to just sit there or what?" I asked extremely annoyed with his silence by this point.

"Alice, have you ever wondered if there are other supernatural creatures on Earth beside werewolves and vampires?" He asked looking over at me. 

"What made you ask that?"

"Nothing, just have you...ever?" I took my hands from my hips and folded my arms in front of my chest as I began pondering his question.  

The next minute or so passed in complete silence, as I thought about his question, before I turned to back to him and answered. "Yeah, I've wondered if there are. But I haven't ever seen anything to prove that there are."

"What if I said I found something to prove there was other supernatural species?"

"I would say, prove it." I said staring at him in disbelief. He looked back down at the lamp and turned it around in his hands for a few seconds before he rubbed the side of the lamp. A few seconds later light purple smoke poured out from the spout. I watched amazed as a light purple tornado appeared and when it dissipated, I saw a boy around eighteen standing there. He had short, messy, dark brown hair, had a slightly dark tan and greenish grey eyes. He was wearing an outfit almost identical to Edward's, only it was very baggy on him and the shirt was purple instead of blue like Edward's. I watched as he looked around a bit and his eyes focused on Edward for a bit before looking at me with slightly wide eyes. "Alice, this is Elliot, Elliot, this is my sister Alice." Edward said motioning over to me and not a second later I smiled really big and squealed before I tackled him to the floor. 

"Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!" I chanted over, not able to believe that he was a genie. I mean it was pretty obvious what he was, he just came out of a lamp. What else could he be? A donkey? 

"Um...hi...?" Elliot asked as he tried to push me off, but I refused to and had an iron grip on him and wouldn't let him up. Not long after I'm pretty sure he asked me something, but I wasn't paying him enough attention to really hear him. 

"'re really a genie? How long have you been a genie? Were you born a genie? Does Edward really only get three wishes? Can he ask for more wishes? Oh! Are there more genies? Or are you the only one?..." I was unable to stop the almost unending stream of questions that were coming from my mouth. 

"If you get off me...I'll answer all your questions?" He said as more of question than anything else. Fortunately for him I had stopped asking him questions long enough to hear him and decided to get off him so he could stand back up. Elliot walked over to sit down next to Edward while I bounced over to a near by chair and stared at him, but before I could start shooting off questions again, Elliot started answering them. "Yes, I am really a genie. I've been a genie for over six thousand years, most of those years were spent inside my lamp though. I was in fact born as a genie, although it wasn't until I was eighteen that I was first trapped inside my lamp..."

"What do you mean trapped inside it?" I asked slightly confused, as I have never really thought about how they get trapped inside those lamps. Manly because I never thought genies existed. 

"When a genie is turned eighteen, they get these..." He said pointing to a gold wrist band that was on his left wrist and then to the gold arm band around his upper right arm after moving the sleeve to his shirt. "When we get these our skin color changes from its actual color, which is the same color as our smoke - so mine is light purple - and we are trapped inside our lamp awaiting for our first master. Which for me I think took about two thousand or so years."

"What about your mother and father?"

"Well my father was human while my mother was a genie, which is how most genies' parents are as there aren't many male genies."

"What do you mean?" 

"Well there are about a billion genies, although on average only two to three hundred are ever out of their lamps, every genie knows when another has been born, and only about a hundred to two hundred of them are male. Male genies are extremely rare."

"How come?"

"I don't know...we just...are." He said shrugging. "Anyway, yes Edward only has threes wishes and just like most people believe he can't wish for more wishes."

"What all can you do?" I asked as I noticed Edward seemed to be getting a bit annoyed with me taking up all his attention. 

"Hey, Eddie, what's that?" Elliot asked as he pointed at the TV.

"Eddie?" Edward asked looking over at him. 

"Am I not allowed to call you that?" He asked sadly as he looked down at his feet as he bite his lip.

"That's fine." Edward said and ignored my shocked expression. I mean he never even let Bella call him that and he's only known Elliot for a few hours. "Anyway, what did you ask?"

"What is that?" He asked again as he pointed at the TV. Again. 

"It's a TV."

"What does it do?"

"Wait you don't know what a TV does?" I asked looking at him confused. 

"It's been over a hundred years since I was outside of my lamp...So what does it do?"

"Come here so I can show you." Edward said patting the couch next to him and smiled when he bound over and jumped onto the couch, bouncing a few times and looked at him eagerly. 

Well, Edward seems to be taking a liking to Elliot. I thought smiling as I looked at them as Edward turned on the TV and Elliot jumped in shock at it. He deserves to be happy after that b*tch Bella. 

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