Chapter 1

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HEY, okay so this is my new story and I'm really excited about it. There are a few things I would like to address before anything else, the cover of the Story is lauren in a superhero costume that I found off google. BUT, it belongs to Charmonizer On tumblr I believe, I'm not sure. SO I'M GIVING FULL CREDIT TO THERE PICTURE YOU'RE SUPER TALENTED. ONE MORE THING, the idea of this STORY came from reading something off instagram similar to this, HOWEVER, the plot and fictional characters and anything that happens through out the course of the story are 100% mine. Beside the girls and any other celebrity I choose to include, of course. OTHER THAN THAT. I hope you guys enjoy the story and give feedback.

I knew I was different when I was twelve, did I understand why? No not at all. It wasn't normal, being able to fly, having strength, and reading minds. Nothing about me is normal, but that's why I have to live life like I am. That's why I'm standing here, holding a campus map, clutching hands with my older sister Taylor. I'm starting a new part of my life, wearing an NYU hoodie in the cool fall weather. This is supposed to be good for me and I'll make sure it is.

"Lauren are you ready?" Aunt Liz asked. "Ready as I'll ever be I guess". and that's what happened. We began our journey to the dorms, my combat boots scratching against the pavement of the sidewalks. We walked up 4 flights of stairs till we landed upon room 4027. The walls were plain on one side of the room, where the other was already covered with posters and pictures. There were two beds, one already set up and neat. Meaning my roomate had already arrived.
The bathroom door swung open and right away I noticed the small girl walk out, looking startled. She had her hair down in light waves, a grey crop top, and black skinny jeans with a Jean jacket tied around her waist. I couldn't help but notice.
She was Beautiful.
She stuck her out her hand, smiling.
"Hey, I'm Camila, oh cabello, yeah Camila Cabello"
Her cheeks flushed red and she ducked her head down embarrassed, I suppose.
I shook her hand a smiled.
"Hello Camila Cabello" that caused her to chuckle "I'm Lauren, Lauren Jauregui and apparently your new roomate" I squeezed her hand and let go.

Someone cleared their throat and we both immediately turned towards the door.
"Hey little sister how are you doing?" Taylor asked with an eyebrow slightly raised eyebrow smirking.
"Just good Tay, are you gunna help me set everything up?" I asked, while starting to pull stuff out. "Well I mean yeah" "Alright, let's get to it"

Goodbyes are hard. No one ever said they'd be simple of course. It wasnt, I knew that when I felt tears in my eyes. I blinked rapidly to push them away, until I walked into my aunts arms as she said her Goodbyes. "You be good, okay? I love you and I'll see you soon. You're my little dragonfly." Her words made the tears fall faster as she kissed my forehead.
"You'll be alright Kid, have fun, make good choices, I love you."
"I love you too, Taylor"
They both got in the car and I waved as they drove away.

I walked back upstairs, when somebody bumped my shoulder. "Oh!! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to, I was on my phone and I didn't --" I interrupted "Woah hey slow down, I'm Lauren, and it's okay don't worry about it" I smiled at her. "oh right, well I'm sorry again, and I'm Ally, it's nice to meet you" "Likewise, but hey I got to go, I live in room 4027 maybe we can hang out some time? That'd be cool"
"No, yeah, totally, sounds like fun. I'll stop by sometime this week. Bye lauren!" She waved and then left. Woo. Making friends is exciting.

I got to my dorm.
"Oh hey, you're back" Camila said as I entered the room.
"yup, Goodbyes are brutal" I plopped down on my bed looking up at the ceiling.
"I know...but hey, let's go get some food maybe that'll cheer you up yeah?" she smiled at me lightly chuckling. "yeah yeah maybe it might" she offered her hand and I gladly took it.
"let's goooooooo"
This seems like a new start of a lovely friendship.
I was walking out when I saw it hanging out of the chest by the closet.
"Uh camila give me a second, I'll meet you outside okay?"
"yeah totally"
I kneeled down looking at the royal blue fabric and the black mask and then all the memories all the heart break, it all came back.
I was Raven.
"Hey Laur, you ready to go?"
I shoved the clothing back and stood up and smiled.
"Ready as I'll ever be."

GUYS. So that was the ending of the first chapter. I hoped you liked it. The plot and all the drama won't happen maybe till like the 10th or 12th chapter so right now it'll mainly just be fluff. Also sorry if there are any mistakes. So yeah vote, leave comments. Alright ily byeee.

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