Bite me

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"BITE ME" I yelled at him, my voice cold and steady. I wasn't afraid anymore. We froze and I stared right back at him, his ominous demeanour that used to send shivers down my spine now made the hairs on my skin prickle. His gaze didn't waver and I felt so small under his stern, black whirlpool eyes.

Then his perfect crimson lips parted to form a smirk revealing his acute white teeth. He looked so smug, so sure of himself, he knew just how to make me angry. He laughed a little and went to turn away from me, in my rage I attempted to throw a punch but before I know it he spun around at a super human speed catching me by the wrist. He held it bone crushingly tight in his harsh yet loving hand.

He then took my hand to his face and began walking closer to me. I hated how much I loved this boy and I couldn't fight against his attempt to kiss me. His lips melted on mine and my hands resumed their position in his twisted black hair. I pressed my body against his as hard as I could, I could almost feel his heart beat. His lips made there way down my neck with gentle sucks as he went. He made me forget everything. He knew exactly how to manipulate me, yet I didn't seem to care. My hands weaved there way under his fitted tee slowly caressing his abs. Then too my reluctant surprise he released his grasp on me and backed away "No, not here" he took my hand and we strolled through the gardens that enhanced the outskirts of his home. Every colour I every could've dreamed about was here it was beautiful. I looked back, he was beautiful. When we reached his house he led me up the stairs, they were long and we had to take many turns before we eventually reached the top. His room was the only door on this floor and he took a deep breath before finally pushing the door open.

It was very neat to my surprise but before I could take in any significant detail he picked me up and I quickly wrapped my legs securely around his waist. He smiled at me, pushing my back against his closed bedroom door he pressed his lips against mine. I began to kiss his neck, he put me down and we spun in a dance like motion towards his bed. He lifted and pressed my body on top of his. He was in control, he was always in control. He kissed me with an anger and aggression that should've scared me. I kissed him back, eager almost desperate. I felt his hands slide under my top, holding me, nurturing me. He came with a sense of danger yet I felt so safe.

He slid of my top in one swift delicate movement and through it on his bedroom floor. He rolled over so he was on top of me and pulled off his own top before pressing his strong tight body against mine. I ran my hands down his back, slowly, taking in everyday detail. I then traced my hands back up his back interlocking them in his tangled black mane of hair. He began to kiss my neck again, I wasn't aware of how tender and loving he could really be. As his kiss glided over every part of my body, I took a moment to watch him. How he moved with such grace, passion and infatuation. Infatuation with me.

He caught me watching him and looked up to smile at me before undoing my trousers and continuing his journey of kisses down my body. He knew exactly what he was doing and he moved without hesitation. He kissed my inner thigh and his gentle sucking motion, it caused me to tilt my head back and moan. "Don't stop" I said, I was no longer in control of myself. He had completely taken over. He acted as though he didn't even need to be told. I was his, he was in control.

His laugh came chilling at first but was sexy all the same as he continued down my lower though. His grasp on my thighs was firm and steady. He moved with a celestial grace that made me forget everything. I didn't even want to remember anything else, this was enough to last me a life time. Another moan escaped my lips and my back arched, my nails clinging to his dark sheets. My heart rate quickened and I ran my hands up my own body.

He was highly adept and he made the rest of the world faded around me.


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LadyLondon xoxo

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