All I could hear was the echo of my favourite song playing out loud. I hated that noise. I mean, there is a reason why it's my favourite song, it's to make it a tad bit better, what I have to face.But every morning it would take over the silence and swallow me up. To me, it wasn't just an alarm clock going off, it was the sound of hell. Why? Because it meant I had to get up, get ready for that horrible place referred to as 'school'.
It wasn't too bad for around a couple of years, untill kids grew up to be judgemental and viscous. Yeah well, up to that point it was okay. All that I can say about my experience to do with schools is, I'm always the kid that's treated as if they have a contagious disease. To this day, grade 10 and I still don't know why. Is it because of the way I dress? Is it because of my long frizzy hair? Is it because I'm not talented? I don't know and I never will.
Anyway back to the first years of school, in all honesty it was fun. I had a lot of friends, people thought I was 'cool' because I could sing but that's the extent to the good experiences I had. Then my parents split up so I would cry at school, I was always upset. I just didn't know how else to handle it at that age. People thought I was weird for not wanting to engage in fun activites, so they just...stopped liking me.
After that things got rough, I tried so hard to get people to like me. I stole some money from my mum's purse just so I could go and get some hair dye and dye my hair red because I over heard my old bestfriend speaking about how red hair symbolises fire within ones soul. Then guess what happened? It turned out ginger, not red. People threw rocks at me and said 'You have no soul!' I just didn't know what to do, but it just got worse. I came home and my mum was astonished to see what has happened to my hair and what I was capable of doing at only 12 , after that she had a lack of trust in me. I don't blame her.
Ever since that event I've been trying to fit in with my school, with the people I know. But no one cares. No one notices the changes I make. I sometimes think, what's the point in it? What's the point in trying to make people like me?
But then I saw him. After the pounding of my alarm I got up, got dressed and had breakfast. One slice of toast with the butter melted, exactly how I liked it. Then I dashed out to seem as if i'm eager to go to school and eager not to be late. After I was a safe distance away from home I became my true self and came back to my normal walking speed, sluggish I must admit. With the thoughts of ' Only 241 days to go till summer' I entered my first class, Physics.
Then I took my books out, crap I thought. I forgot my notepad, so I snuck up to the front of the class to grab some paper, then it opened. The door opened and he stepped in. All I could do was stare, his beauty blinded everyone. All I could do was stand there, just thinking about how much I'm glad that every single event in my life has happened. Because even if one little thing, one small little decision I didn't make, the outcome of my life would have been different and I may not have been standing here, next to the mahogany desk staring at this beautiful creature. I was thankful, thankful to be alive.