6. A Mousetrap.

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Cadence awoke in a slight daze. Looking around, she remembered this place. The horrible, horrible things happened here. She sobbed, her voice muffled slightly by the sock that had been forced into her mouth. Moving her hands, Cadence's chains ground against the metal frame of the bed she was bound to.

Footsteps entered, and a light clicked on, slightly brightening the dim room. Cadence looked over, and saw the man she hadn't seen in 16 years. She whimpered, sobbing again.

"Oh, no no. Don't cry. You gotta admit," Ramóne smiled, twirling a knife between his fingers. "You missed me." Ramóne leaned over the bed, his arm near Cadence's head. He gently traced the tip of the knife over her cheekbone, clicking his tongue slightly.

"Whaat? Nothing to say to the man who made you a star? Just like you wanted?" Cadence widened her jaw slightly, finding a way to remove the sock from her mouth.

"A star? I was 13. You... You raped me. You hurt me! For years I blamed myself!" Cadence spat in Ramóne's face, watching as he wiped it off.

"It was your fault. A little girl, in the wrong side of town? You were bound to be taken somehow. If anything, I saved you. I had treated you so well..."

"Well?! Hah! Funny! I was chained to the bed! All I had to eat was corn nu--" Cadence was shut up by a slap in the face.

"Such and ungrateful whore. Why, I might as wel--"

Jim entered the room. "Hey. Glad she's awake."

Ramóne smirked evilly, nodding as he stood up. "Did you get the car to the decoy spot? We don't want them finding her too quickly."

"Yeah, I did. That'll keep them off the trail for a while. When's the show?"

"10 minutes. We have plenty of requests. Seems like we have many long time members. Eager to see you, eh CC?" Ramóne turned back to Cadence and danced the tip of the knife on his fingertips.

Cadence tilted her head. "I-I'm not a kid anymore, though."

Jim left the room, Ramóne smirking as he brought back a young boy, about 12 years old.

"You might not be, but he sure is."

The boy sniffled, his head down as Cadence heard Jim in the corner.

"Welcome, valued members. We have a very, very special show for you today."


Back at the precinct, Rollins was scrolling through police databases when she had heard a voice blare through her speakers.

"Welcome, valued members. We have a very, very special show for you today."

Rollins switched to the tab where the noise was coming from, and froze when she saw Cadence. A small boy entered the screen, his hands chained together. Rollins paused it, quickly gathering Olivia, Nick, and Rafael around the table, bringing the site up on to the bigger screen.

They watched in horror as Cadence, dressed in nothing but her panties, had a gun pointed at her on screen.

Cadence was shaking, crying. "P-please... I can't do this." The small boy clung to Cadence, silent tears leaving his eyes.

"Oh, you will do this. Come on. We don't want to disappoint our viewers, do we?"

Rafael took a shaky breath as they all heard a gun cock off-screen. He used his hands to cover his eyes as he heard a zipper unzip.

Cadence turned towards the camera. "R-Rafael..." The crew paid attention as Cadence's mascara teared face addressed the camera. Rafael removed his hands.

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