Chapter 1: Leave Me Alone

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"No! No! You can't do this!" I jump up from my seat in the social workers office at the IFCA office

"Niall I know you don't like this-"

"If you know then why the hell are you doing this to me! Just because you can't find another family to pawn me off on doesn't mean you have the right to lock me up in some nut house!!" I scream at my dumb ass of a social worker. All she does is rep remand me and put me in strangers houses she doesn't know me

"Niall James calm down right now!" She sighs as I slump back in my chair "I'm not "pawning you off" anywhere. I would be more than happy to put you into a home with a family but every single time I do you run away, or I get a call saying you've been admitted into the hospital "

I'm not going to lie she's right, but do you blame a lad? How would you like being thrown into some strangers home and forced to live with them!?

I sigh putting my head into my hands

"This isn't a "nut house" it's a rehabilitation center for kids just like you! Good kids who just need a little help getting on the right path"

"I don't need help getting anywhere! Just put me back me on the street where you found me! I was fine then!"

"Niall, you call being half dead and starving fine? I'm not going to put you back on the street. I'm only trying to help" she sighs

My teeth chatter as I walk in the freezing cold rain in the dead of winter in my home town of Mullingar. There was snow all around me but the air wasn't cold enough to turn to snow though it must be at the most 15°C. My frostbitten body aches as I walk trying to find a bit of shelter anywhere. My head is spinning from hunger pains I don't know when the last time I ate was. All I knew was it I didn't find shelter soon I would die. Maybe that would be better though? Then struggling to survive on these roads?

"Arhg!" I gasp falling to the ground in tears. My frost bitten toes and fingers are on the verge of falling off and the hunger pains are unbearable.

I get a sick feeling, I start vomiting but there's noting to vomit but blood. I cry in pain not caring who may hear me in this little town.

The world starts to spin and I pass out hoping I would just die. I would of been Happy to of died

But of course I didn't die. I came close but some lady find me hours later not breathing and she called an ambulance the stupid doctors saved me life. They tell me I was dead for 3 minutes if only I had stayed that way.

"Help me by leaving me alone"

Hope you liked the chapter! Please tell me your thoughts in the comments and leave me some questions for the authors/Characters Q&A at the end of the book!! All the love always~HXx

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