Chapter One

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              I stood at my full length mirror fixing my cheerleading outfit properly as I was the captain of the school squad and think I should always look the best. I took up my bag ,keys and phone and went downstairs. My stepmom was in the kitchen polishing her nails.
"Good morning. Where is my dad"  I asked.
"He just left" answered Sherena.
"Ok. Am out" I said as I left.

As I was. Parking my car the second bell rang signifying that I was late for my first class which was Physical Education.

As I enter Physical Education class I say Mr. Kook introducing a boy. I try seeking in because I was late but Mr. Kook say me.
"Alecia, good morning this is your new classmate Josh Wallace and as punishment for being late for my class and trying to seek into my class you will have to be Josh's tour guide." Said Mr. Kook
"But" I said before I was interrupt by Mr. Kook.
"No buts. Please be seated and Josh will be seating beside you." Says a stern Mr. Kook.

I took my seat beside Dian our newest member to the squad and watch as Josh took his seat beside me.
Dian was not even paying attention in class but talking to Josh. Who I learnt was born here in California but left for Florida at the age of one. Mr Kook was going over a test paper that I didn't care about so  I joined the conversation with Josh and Dian.

"Why did you move back here?" I asked
"I got a scholarship in Mathematics and Football , I will also be the new captain of the football squad " he replied.
"That's nice.Do you know any one around here?" I asked
"No. Different from Dian and maybe you." He said
The bell rang signifying end of Physical Education and beginning of lunch. I stood up and was leaving when the door opened and my best friend Jessie-Gay  came in.

"Hey Al who is that blue eyed prince talking to Dian?" Jessie asked looking at Josh.
"His name is Josh am his tour guide for the day as punishment for being late for class." I said rolling my eyes.
"Go on" Jessie said without even looking at me but staring at Josh who was packing up is bag.
"He was born here but left at the age of one and is here again on scholarship for football and math and also our new captain." I said walking off.

I was followed by Dian, Jessie and offcource Josh. I went into the cafeteria and took my seat at the head of the cheerleaders table as I was the captain, Dian got a seat for Josh and Jessie introduce him to the rest of the girls. We where talking and making jokes and learning more about Josh when the bell rang.

The rest of the day went boring Josh was in all of my class.

Practice was over and I am now in the mall with Jessie.

"Al your father will soon have to buy another closet for you." Jessie said laughing
"Am just buying a couple of dress to go to a charity event with my dad this weekend." I said as I took my card and bags from the cashier.
Me and Jessie said our goodbyes as we lived on different lanes.

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