First Meeting.

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Ciel Phantomhive

Sebastian Michealis

Alois Trancy

Claude Faustus




Grell Sutcliff

William .T Spears

Ronald Knox

Ciel Phantomhive~

You hunched up in the corner and hugged your knees. The wind blew in your face and you shivered. Then there was an unexpected warmth and smoke billowed in your face. You coughed and stumbled towards the source. Upon seeing the horrific sight, you gasped. Children, bent the wrong way, were burning.

"Doll! Doll! Help!" You screamed, for the girl that came everyday and fed you. Your sister.

You looked for the exit but they were all covered in flames. Finally, you spotted an exit. You crawled out of the window and landed heavily on something. Or actually someone.

There was a big 'oof' sound and you were pushed off. Groaning, you sat up and saw a boy roughly your age with blue hair and an eye patch.

"I'm s-so s-sorry." You stuttered, blushing.

"How about that, Sebastian? One survived. Amusing." He said, looking at a tall man, dressed in a suit, completely ignoring you.

"W-what are you talking about?" You whispered, confused and scared.

Finally adressing you, he stated calmly "I just killed The Father and The Doctor."

You reeled back, shocked.
"You killed him?"


"Whoa. That's awesome." You said.

He seemed suprised at your response but you ignored him.

"But that still doesn't explain why the house is on fire. Or where Doll is. Oh, but you don't know who she is." You rambled.

"That's a story for another day. Now Sebastian, take her with us. You're going to live in Phantomhive Manor now." He said, motioning to his, you assumed, butler.

The butler slung you over his shoulder and picked you up like you weighed nothing. You protested weakly but you couldn't get loose.

Sebastian Michaelis~

You pet the dog gently and gave him some food.

"See, this is why I hate dogs. So predictable."

A voice made you turn around.

"Ummm....Ok. I suppose you're a cat lover then." You replied, still slightly weirded out.

"You suppose correctly, Y/N." Said the man. He was tall and wearing butler's attire and had piercing crimson red eyes and shaggy black hair.

"How do you know my name?" You said, instantly on guard.

"The whole of England knows your name, Y/N. " He replied.

You were a thief. More importantly, you had just cased the Royal Dungeon and taken something very important. You had taken your brother. He was wrongly convicted of murder and sentenced to be hung. You had helped him escape and sent him to Brazil where it was safe. He had been framed by someone.

You backed slowly away from him, gripping the knife that was in your back pocket. Suddenly, the dog growled and transformed into its true form. There was now a giant cat in its place. It was about three and a half meters tall and had black fur.

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