Chapter 7

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"Gah," I grumbled and quickly turned off my alarm as Irolled out of bed. It's too. Damn. Early. For. This. Shit.

I quickly took a shower and got into my work clothes beforemeeting Tony out in the kitchen. He had a good ol' steaming cup of coffeewaiting for me, "Thank you so much, Tony! You have no clue how much I need thisright now."

"No prob Jessie! How are things between you and Jonathan,"he asked as he finished off his cup of coffee.

"I'm ready whenever you are," I informed, choosing to ignorehim as I looked over at the clock on the stove. 4:54. Not cool man. I'm surenot even Santa wakes up this early on his big day of the year.

"Alright. Then let's go now. It'll give more time to makesure everything is set up properly," Tony said as he stood up from the kitchentable.

"Okay," I replied and soon enough we were out on the coldstreets of Chicago walking a block to the diner. It's quite reliving that it'smuch closer than my old place, especially when it's cold out.

"You didn't answer my question earlier... How're you andJonathan," Tony asked as he looked at me with a little smile playing on hisface. I could see his breath as he let it out.

"There is no us Tony. For the love of god. Even if I didlike him there'd be no us. Because he doesn't and wouldn't like me back....Especially if he found out I was filthy poor. I mean come on! He's filthy rich!When He had me at his place a few weeks ago... He said his place wasn't that bad...It's the nicest place I've ever seen," I exclaimed and used hand motions withwide eyes.

"Honey... Don't worry about that. If Mr. Toews was raised theway we raised Brian... There shouldn't be a problem," Tony informed as he pulledout his keys and unlocked the front doors.

"You raised Brian in a good way! I'm not saying thatJonathan wasn't either... But I know you raised Brian to be just like you guys...And honestly... I still don't like being kinda a charity case. I just... Don't likeit. It makes me feel kinda sick. I don't like things to be handed to me. I feellike that's what I'll be to Jonathan He can't find out," I told Tony as I satdown in the dark diner as he went into the kitchen.

After a few seconds the light were turned on and he came outthe swinging door, "Honey. It's okay. So what? He'll end up treating you like aprincess. I hear girls like that. They know a guy is actually there for them."

I shook my head, "Ah... I don't know... You know what? I gottawork and then read some stuff from the book that I left here last night. I needto study for my LAST final exams."

"Okay... Set up then. I'm sure you can get a solid 20 minutesof studying in," Tony exclaimed with a smile playing on his face before pullingout all of the jelly's and stuff. I quickly rushed around and put them all onthe tables.

I then slid into a seat and pulled out my book, readingabout how treat a torn muscle. When it was time to open Tony pulled my out ofmy book, "Hey Jessie! Will you go unlock the doors and turn on the openedsign?"

"Sure thing," I called into the kitchen and got up from myspot, quickly unlocking the door and pulling the chain to turn on the openedsign.

I then went back to the counter and kept reading my book.Soon enough the door swung opened and the bell jingled. I jumped up and made myway over to the other side of the counter smiling as Marvin took a seat at thefront counter.

"Hey Marvin! How are you today," I asked as I leaned both ofmy hands on the counter. He smiled at me and then looked down at the menu as ifhe had to see what was on it.

"I'm pretty well today! I'll have my cup of coffee and ashort stack of pancakes please," He told me and placed the menu down and foldedhis hands together.

I wrote it down and handed Tony the order before pouringMarvin a cup of coffee. "Are you excited to graduate soon," He asked and took asip of his black coffee. 

"Yeah! I cannot wait. I really need and want to get schoolover with already! I can't wait to do the job that I love. I love working herebut... It's just... It's important to me. I want to help people. And I really don'twant to help them by giving them food. I want to help them by getting them backto the sport that they love," I told him with a smile and picked my book andread it a little more.

"It must be a good feeling, huh? Have you been doing anyshadowing yet," He questioned and looked at me through his thick glass lenses.

"No, unfortunately I must wait until I graduate for that one.My professor said that he signed me up for about two internships right now... Hesaid that those will be my two choices on where to work. Both will have theirhead physical therapist for only about a year. They'll want a new young personso that it's easier to keep someone for long term," I told him and turnedaround as Tony hit the bell that signaled that the order was ready.

"Ah. Has he told you the two places," He asked as he said aneye brown and began to spread butter on his pancakes.

I shook my head and sat down on a stool on my side of thecounter pulling my book up to my face, "Nah. He said that I should get someemails from the two companies within a week before graduating to a week after Igraduate. I don't know whether to feel nervous or excited."

"Well, Jessie," He started pouring syrup on his pancakes,"All I can say is... Be happy and excited! You will be happy come the time youhave a steady job!"

"Thanks Marvin. You're right! Thank you for your advice... Itreally means a lot," I told him with a large smile before going back andreading about physical therapy.

It wasn't until around dinner time that day that anothereventful thing happened. I read the last page of my book and finally looked upat who had just sat down in front of me at the counter. His beautiful blue eyeswere looking directly at me.

"Hey Kris! How are you today," I informed and stood upleaning both hands on the counter smiling at him.

He returned the smile and mumbled, "I'm great! How are youJessie?!"

"Ah not bad.... Anyways.... What can I get you today," I askedand pulled out a glass pouring some ice in it.

"How about just a glass of water. I'm not really here to getanything. I'm here to talk to you... About Jonny," Kris informed and gave me alopsided smile.

"What about Jonathan," I asked and raised an eyebrow placinga glass of water in front of him. I took a seat on the stool on my side of thecounter, trying to brace myself.

"What did you do to him? He's going crazy just thinkingabout you! What have you done?! He can barely concentrate on us and yell at usanymore, which I'm not complaining... But what have you done!?! I've never seenhim smile after a loss," Kris exclaimed and opened his eyes wide.

"I don't know. I just texted him... That's all! I don't know,"I exclaimed and gave him wide eyes, "I didn't do anything!"

"Yeah, sure. Now don't be surprised if you have thousands oftexts when you get off your shift! He's fucking crazy right now," Krisexclaimed and stood up flopping a 10 down on the counter before retreating outthe front door.

That was weird.


Thanks for reading! :)

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