Lost x mind

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You run as fast as you could away from the boy..

"Why does he always look so sad??" You think to yourself.

You turn to see the creepy bin men that wonder around looking for stray beings, there is a pile of junk to your left,

"Jump (C/N)! Jump! It won't do much harm right?!" You say to yourself in a low firm whisper.

You hide away in the massive pile of trash, making a little hole that you can breath out of, you slowly look in the direction you just came from, only to see the boy picking up the clothes you gave him!

"Hehe, I didn't think he would really wear them!!" You think to yourself letting out a small giggle..


You look back to notice the creepy bin men coming closer to the rubbish pile you are hiding in, you quickly look straight over to the boy and notice he has gone.

"Maybe he heard the bin men and ran!?" You say under your breath, relieved.

You've always had a soft heart for those who are sad so you try to cheer them up as much as possible so they don't have to go through what everyone else does here...

"Oh no! They might find him if they keep going that way!"

You now make the biggest life changing decision of your life..


You jump out of the trash pile, make sure they notice you and run... run... run, the ground is a massive blur and you have never ran so fast in your entire life!

"Get the girl!"
"Ahhhhh!" You scream at the top of your voice, but it wouldn't be noticed with all the other cries and screams in the distance.

It's quiet and you slowly stop running thinking you have escaped from the horrible bin men, resting on your knees you say.

"Yes, did i really just get awa--"

A hand touches your shoulder, flips you over and knocks you out..

Darkness is surrounding you and all you can see are tears, never ending tears falling in the pitch black, you called also hear the voice of what sounded like the boy you met earlier....

"Help me, help me" the boy says

A figure then slowly appears and it looks like a small girl, injured... it is you...

"Help me, help me!!!"

You remember how you were captured but can't seem to move or even wake up, you are in a world of your own imagination...

In the dream you can now see the half packet of cards you also gave to the boy... next to the boy you see yourself with the other half, the cards have a one of a kind design on them, you cannot remember how you got these cards, but there are not any other like them in this world, all you know about them is that they are highly important to you and that the other half is with the boy you wish to meet again.

"Oh, yes! I have the other half! I'll be able to see him again!"

You realise that, even though you have been captured and have no current way of escape, you still have hope of being able to see that boy again.

"There was something different about him, a deep, deep sorrow.. but he talked to me, he replied.. everyone just runs away! He's one of a kind .. I must find him again, and maybe we can sort out this god forsaken city" you think to yourself slowly growing a happy grin..

"Will you find me again?" The boy says in the dream..
"I will not stop looking!" You shout at the top of your voice.

The boy begins to fade away, he shows a shy smile, and holds the cards close to him... your eyes slowly open, filled with water, you can't quite make it out through your blurry vision..

"Ahhhhhhhh!" You scream at the top of your voice, in great pain..

Your vision clears, there are many bin men surrounding you with scary gas masks, you come to realise that you are in an operation room..

"Let me g--g--go" your voice turns from a scream into a low whisper..
Your eyes close again, unable to control yourself you feel like you are going into a deeper sleep than before...

All you can see now is darkness, and tears...

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