The sun has yet again hidden it's face, revealing the moon to all the human race. The stars in the sky are shining and hopefully soon aligning so that our fates yet again are tied together.
And what about the ocean and the moon? Why does the sea cry out during the day to see the face of the moon yet again so soon? And what if this ocean was not just water that came from a river place, but rather from the moon's face, because it misses the oceans embrace. And woe to the wolves who cry for the moon! Do they cry for it because it's a love they'll see all of only once a month?
And woe is me...because in this I have relevance. That last month I saw my moon of whom I cry for, to always see. And in my pursuit, I am relentless. Like a lust for blood from a monster out for vengeance. As odd as that may be even I gotta say, that's a great analogy.
And woe to the Sun! Why does he shine so brilliantly? To whom on earth does it owe that it behave in such a way? Does it see something we do not? Does it feel something we can not? I wonder so often with my thoughts that I ought not to think in such ways, but the only relevance the Sun portraits is the song my heart plays when I see you.
Its like a steady rhythm and also an explosion, and in my stomach I begin to feel the ocean, waves pushing and pulling and I pray I don't get taken by the undertow.
And Then I begin to understand the moon, why it seems to cry for the love it sees oh so soon. See in the ocean are grains of sand but what if, just what if they were pieces of the moon? Each grain a memory they've shared and what others thought never cared?
And the relentless pursuing of the wolf for the love it seeks all month begins to creep up my spine and gives me chills then into my mind. I begin to feeling what I believe to the wolf's lust, and I've no other way to describe this feeling than with the word "Just". See the wolf is searching, seeking and always believing that it's love is out there just as eager as he is for their next meeting. Relevant to Me and hopefully to you. To be honest I had no idea where I was going with this, but I'm glad in the end I could find a way to bring it together just as my hopes for us. So that in my heart there will be a quench to this love lust.
The cry of Nature
PoetryEven nature clings to the things it knows and loves. How much different are we as humans then?