What is wrong with me???

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As you can see from the statement above I am a bit unusual. So much so by the time I was 10 years old I had been tested for dyslexia, dyspraxia and ADHD. None of which I actually have by the way. But yes I was odd child, I didn't like things the other children liked. I wasn't as smart as other kids my age. Plus, I found it hard to make friends I preferred to just sit alone and think about a better place or a better time.

But. You can't do that in high school people think your weird and you end up hanging around with a girl that makes animal noises and gallops around for entertainment. So I had to come up with a solution - just laugh when someone makes a joke and don't say anything. So at school I hang around ok people; have ok grades; and pretend to like ok things.

You wonder the reason behind my oddness maybe my upbringing but no I haven't had a hard life. No sob story here folks. My parents didn't die in a traumatic car crash nor was I put into care. I live with my mum and step-dad. We have a fairly good house and they are nice to me... It's ok.
It's a common word,
It's my it'
It can mean anything,
That cake is ok,
That band is ok,
That boy is ok,
This food is ok,

I am ok,
But thing is thought I'm not.

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