Chapter One:

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Capture The Moment:

I sip the warm content of the hot chocolate, looking in awe at the scene in front of me. The beautiful rich colours, colouring the sky like someone has picked up colouring pencils and littered the colour through the sky. I grab my canon, from my neck and breathed in fresh air before capturing the beauty of the scene in front of me.

I have been doing this for a few months, since I have found this spot.

Capturing beautiful and mesmerising moments, like it's a freeze frame waiting to be un-frozen.

I lean back into my 2001 year old red Chevy. Collected the heat radiating off it. I feel like when I come here, nothing could hurt me I'm the queen of the world. It feels like as soon as I leave the spot, everything comes rushing towards me overwhelming me.

What sort of 25 year old hasn't been married yet and hasn't got a steady job, well it's the story of my life.

It's not like I want to not be married or jobless. I can't seem to find the right partner, who understands the world and sees it through my eyes. But, the fact the only thought that goes through their tiny pea brains that she has a nice rack. Or how good is she in bed?

Secondly I'm not necessarily jobless. I'm a photographer, but it's more of a hobby than anything. I work as a waitress, to pay the bills. You see if I was doing a nine to five job, like in an office I wouldn't be able to focus my fingers would be itching to capture the beautiful moments.

You know the funny thing is, people say if you finish university with a degree you will get somewhere. But, that's a load of crap, I finished with a Bachelor degree in photography. Not once have I been notified.

A beeping noise, cuts me out of my deep thoughts.

I look down to see my phone on it's alarm. Look likes it's time to go home, I sigh as I realise the real world is a shitty place to live in. I wish my life was like a photo, a happy place where everything was much simpler.

I crush the foam cup up and throw it in the garbage.

I hop into my Chevy, driving down the streets of my home. Until I reach a familiar street, I slam the door shut walking up to my bland apartment. Unlocking the door, a fury thing attacks my legs.

"Hey! baby girl," I look down in adoration at my pug Maya, she just turned a month old a day ago. "You wants some food hunny," she barks, enthusiastically in a beg. I just laugh at her cuteness. "Okay, let's get something to eat."

I open the fridge to see some left over, spaghetti and meatballs,
"Oh, yummy! Hm, what can my baby have oh, I got it! Your favourite kangaroo meat," as if she understood me she jumps up wagging her tail.

Before I could prepare the meal, my phone rings. I knit my eyebrows together who could this be? I wonder in confusion. I look at my phone screen. Sophie, "Hey, Sophie! hey you going girl?"

A scream echo's through the phone line, I start to freak out. "Soph, are you okay?" I yell into the speaker in fright. "I'm sorry Rosie, I'm kinda freaking out. Okay that's an understatement, I'm going crazy more like it. I can't believe he asked it. Mum did say he would, just be patient."

"Wait what?" I ask in confusion. "Sorry hun, I'm babbling," I just laugh at her nervousness. "Deep breath," I giggle. I hear her take a breathe over the speakers.

"Okay, Matt ask me to marry him." "What!" I yell in excitement. "He did!" I pump my fist in the air. "I knew it," I laugh. "I'm shaking right now, I just can't put it into words right now," I laugh at her excitement.

"Well, it took him long enough though. You guys have been together for six years," I just had a thought of disappointment run through my mind. "Damn, I wish Matt told me so I could have captured that moment," I say in disappointment.

"Well, you are going to be my photographer at my wedding," she says in are duh tone. "Really!" I yell in excitement. "But, I have a rule. You can't take photos when the wedding is actually on. Because your my maid of honour, I chose you pika chu," I laugh at her dorkiness. "So will you?" she asks. "Of course," my eyes start to water.

"Who is going to to be the photographer?" I ask in wonder.

"Oh! About that it's going to be some famous photographer from Italy, I don't know what his name is though," she says stumped.

"Oh! That's cool. Okay, I better go before I start to bawl my eyes out," I laugh at my moment.

"Okay lovely, by the way do you have work tomorrow?" She asks in wonder. "Yeah, I do come by if you want. I think Sharlin wouldn't mind she loves you, plus she will be ecstatic that Matt finally asked," we laugh. I hang up and sigh.

Of course I'm happy for my best friend, but I feel so jealous that she has a steady job as an accountant and a husband that thinks the world of her.

I just wish I could have that, I didn't think that wish could come quicker than I thought of it.

. . .

Author's note:

Hey lovelies! I felt writing something different other then the constant novels of supernatural beings or secret agents.

I hope you like this so far, I feel like this will be me when I'm an adult. Except for the job part.

Do what you need:

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2016 ⏰

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