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I scrutinized the old cottage, trying to place how old it could have been. I just couldn't understand how I hadn't noticed it before. I mean I had passed this spot severally; and the cottage was so unusual that one couldn't miss it.

Then again, maybe I didn't spot it cause I was too preoccupied thinking about Sarah. Sarah, how dearly I missed her. She would always tug along whenever I had these walks of mine. Heck; she would tug along no matter what I was doing.

Sometimes she would even watch ball with me and the boys.
I could feel my heart sinking, and it wouldn't be long before tears formed in my eyes; so I tried to get my mind off her and back on the cottage.

I noticed an old truck next to the cottage. Moving closer, I discovered in it were planks of wood; not very well shaped, but decent enough. I also saw a bag. I poked to inspect it's contents, and got rewarded by a sharp pain that rushed through my finger and then through my whole hand. A droplet of blood formed at my fingertip. I instinctively licked it and sucked on my finger. These were nails no doubt, sharp nails.

I looked at the cottage and noticed something; the wooden planks in the truck weren't much different from those used to build the cottage. I moved to the front of the truck and touched the bonnet, ouch, it was hot, my poor finger.

Well now I understood it all. The reason I had never seen this cottage before is cause it hadn't been there too long. It had just been put up of late. And from what I could tell it was still under construction. It probably looked so old cause whoever was building it decided to use old stuff.

Yap I knew something was up. You see; when I took walks, I was always very conscious of my surroundings, even when thinking about Sarah. It was like a special trait of mine.

However, I still wondered who could've built this cottage. And why he had done it with such haste as two days ago when I was at this spot I hadn't seen any signs of this now alsmost finished cottage.

I didn't have long to wonder:

"What you doing on me property boy!?" I heard a hoarse voice roar form behind me.

"No..n-nothing." I stammered turning around to face the...the...
Oh my God! I don't have words to describe this man. He was practically the world's strongest man. He had so much muscle that he looked repulsive in a way. And as if that wasn't enough, he had this huge shotgun pointed at my head.

"I saw you snooping around me truck, what you want!?" he roared again making sure every last molecule of his foul breath went up my nostrils.

"I'm sorry Sir, I'm not looking for trouble." I managed to get out.

"Hmmf" he granted," You know if you wasn't a kid, I'd blow you brains out right now!" he roared once more, moving his gun closer until it touched my forehead.
I took a step back. He frowned. "Listen here boy, I donno who you are or why you came here, but if I ever see you on me property again, I'll fucking kill you, you hear!? And if you tell anyone about this here cottage of mine; I'll find you, rip your guts out and feed them to you! Now get out of me sight!"

I didn't need a second warning, I turned around and began to walk away slowly, then faster, until I was finally running for my dear life.

The main road was about 5 miles from where I was. I wasn't a bad runner, but I had never run that long a distance. I decided I would run until I got far out of sight of the cottage and the hostile man.

I ran and ran for what seemed like an eternity. I began to slow my pace and was almost at a walking pace when I heard footsteps behind. Something, or someone was running after me. My heart dropped into my belly. Adrenaline took control and my feet carried me off at a neck break speed. I dared not look behind for fear of losing a vital step which could be the difference between life and death. My heart pounded painfully against my chest, but pain could wait!

Now either this guy or whatever it was chasing me had thrice a normal human being's adrenaline or I was a terrible runner-which I wasn't- cause despite my body's best efforts, the footsteps sounded exceedingly closer with each single metre I ran.

I was just about to give up when I saw the road and with every last effort and all the will I had, I sprinted faster than I had ever in my life. As soon as I came out of the woods the footsteps abruptly stopped. I stood by the road and for the first time looked back. There was nothing! My poor legs gave way and I collapsed to the ground. I was so wet from my own sweat you'd think I got caught in a storm. It took a good 20 minutes before the adrenaline finally began to make its way out my system. Oh God! that was close!

I decided to take a bus home that day rather than walk as I had always done. People on the bus shot me distasteful stares. If only they knew what I'd gone through.

When I got home it was already dark. I took a shower and went straight to bed. Mum called but I pretended I hadn't heard. I was so tired and needed a good rest. I couldn't sleep though and when finally I did find sleep at 3am, I had a nightmare about the cottage.

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