chapter eight

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Unknown's pov

I woke up feeling exhausted.I can't believe we had sex last night I thought then blushed.I know we haven't known each other very long but it feels like we belong together its hard to explain.Then I started to hear the voices again.

"No one could love you "

"He can't love someone so fat "

"He can't love someone with so much scars"

"You should just kill yourself already nobody likes you"

I started to claw at my head and scream while crying.I curled up in a ball not aware of my surroundings.Then I felt someone grab on to me and I screamed even more.The person brought me to their arms and started to walk back and forth.I figured out it was vin a couple of seconds earlier."it's okay unknown you're okay"."I'm sorry" I said snuggling my face in his chest."You have nothing to be sorry for".I sniffled and hiccupped and he laughed slightly."your so cute unknown "."no I'm not"."I don't want to hear you say that ever again unknown.You are the most beautiful person I've ever seen.Even with scars you are the person I love.I love you so much I'll take a bullet for you anytime any day.I love you so much you don't even understand." We both started to cry with tears of joy and kissed each other.

Short chapter I know but I might make 3-5 chapters tonight and there's going to be so much surprises I hope you enjoyed bye


Word count:255

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