Getting Abducted Isn't Normal, Right?

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The Jinchūriki and the Olympians Chapter 1

Disclaimer: Sadly I do not own Naruto, Naruto Shippuden, Percy Jackson, Heroes of Olympus, or any characters in this Fanfiction




"Demon or God Talking"

'Demon or God Thinking'

It was a normal day for the 14 and a half year old Sabakuno Gaara as he walked down the street of Suna, ignoring the glares and fearful glances sent his way. He was on his way to the entrance to meet up with Kankuro and Temari for a mission the council had reluctantly sent them on. Not because they cared for Gaara's safety, but because they might lose two powerful ninja on the mission. Suna was already short on ninja from old Gaara's killing sprees when Shukaku told him to. They still believed he would kill anyone who got in his way, and it wasn't like anyone besides his siblings were going to them otherwise. Granted, he didn't know if his siblings would stand up for him if they found a ninja skilled enough to kill him. Oh well, that was the life of Sabakuno Gaara and he didn't mind it, so everyone was okay, not like they wouldn't be okay if he did mind it though.

A minute after those thoughts, Gaara made it to the gate where his siblings weren't. He leaned against the sand wall of the entrance, closing his eyes and crossing his arms. A minute passed, then four. An eye cracked open, but there was no one there.

"Where ar-"Gaara thoughts were cut off as a fist punched him in the face and he went flying out of Suna a mile away.

He finally rolled to a stop as he ran into a warm body. He shook his head and touched his nose; it was probably broken (as clued by the blood) and held it, starting to get up. A kick to his gut sent him flying a few yards away but this time he landed on his feet holding his nose with one hand and the other on the ground for stabilization. He looked up at his attacker; he had an orange rippled mask on, his black spiky hair sticking out from atop, a sharingan shone out from the one eye hole, and wore a black cloak with red clouds all over it, he then spoke. "I don't need to have any other of the Akatsuki members to defeat a creature as pitiful as you and your human siblings." Gaara's eyes widened a fraction as he looked at the body he ran into earlier, on the ground was Kankuro trying to get up. The man kicked him and sent Kankuro flying at him. Gaara stood up and caught him with his sand, setting him upright.

"Kankuro, where's Temari?" Gaara asked, glancing at Kankuro to see if he had any severe injuries. Turns out he just had a few scratches besides the stabbing wound in his arm, but otherwise he was fine. Instead of answering, he pointed a thumb behind him while glaring at the man. Gaara tilted his head back to see what he was pointing at when he saw Temari running toward them with a lot of scratches all over her body. If he hadn't known better he would've said her eyes widened a bit when she was saw her two brothers. Gaara then turned back around to see the man charging at him, fist rising to attack. The sand barrier went up as he tried to hit him, but Gaara had to step out of the way when his fist broke through the barrier almost immediately. The punch still clipped his side and he heard a rib crack as Gaara stumbled sideways. The man turned immediately and held out his hand, suddenly Gaara was being sucked quickly toward him and the man held his fist out, Gaara's stomach collided with the fist and he coughed some blood out. The man then followed with a right hook to Gaara's jaw, then a left jab that sent Gaara flying toward Kankuro. Kankuro ducked out of reflex and saw Gaara sailing over him into a sand dune and sliding down a few feet before coming to a stop. For a second of horror he didn't think Gaara was moving, but then he got up kneeling so you couldn't see his face, only the blood dripping onto the sand.

"This is all the demon of Suna has to offer? Oh well, it's not like I expected much from the weakest of the group," the man said in a bored tone. Gaara grit his teeth and spit some blood out of his now dislocated jaw. He decided to count his injuries, 2 broken ribs, a dislocated jaw, a broken nose, probably some internal bleeding, at least three bruises, and perhaps something was wrong with one of his lungs cause he was breathing weirdly. Gaara then shook his head, and to add to that list, maybe a head injury from hitting the sand dune so hard.

"Oh is he disagreeing? I've never been much of a talker, so forgive me if I say some rude things," The man spat out, "My name is Tobi, I am the leader of the Akatsuki and bringer of peace. I will collect all the bijuu and that is a fact my demon friend."

Gaara spat out more blood before hissing, "You will never take Shukaku from me, though I have stopped listening to him, he is the closest thing to a mother I've ever had."

Gaara looked up and narrowed his eyes, pressing on his back foot and zooming toward Tobi; who just looked at him lazily and held out a hand. Gaara was immediately blown backwards and he hit the sand dune HARD, a crack was heard as he hit his spin on the hard sand and then a slid down the sand dune again, not moving with sand, blood, and his hair covering his face.

"Gaara!" Temari and Kankuro shouted in union, looking at his body in horror. That's when things got really, really bad. Tobi pummeled them, using genjutsu to reduce them to a barley standing, chakra exhausted state in 2 seconds.

"I don't need you two, I'll just kill you now instead of torturing you with seeing your demon weapon die before killi- GAH!" Tobi was cut off from his sentence when a fist was thrusted into his gut by a pale man with black silky hair wearing a long black coat that looked like souls were trapped inside it. Temari stared in shock at Tobi as he flew backwards, eventually disappearing from sight. The man put his fist down and he relaxed, and then he turned around to look at them. He had shoulder length hair, very pale skin, signs of not getting a lot of sleep, and had cold, almost dead black eyes. Then he walked toward her, as he did she fell back into a sitting position along with Kankuro, both of them staring at the man, forgetting about Gaara for that instant.

"I'm sorry I didn't come sooner, my child... I was busy with my duties to deal with my kids, though I have few," the man said as he walked closer, looking at Gaara, his image changing to Rasa, the Yondime Kazekage.

The siblings were too tired to have too much anger against the man, but they were confused mostly. He put his hand on both of their shoulders and they felt less exhausted as their chakra returned to them. He then walked past them to Gaara, reaching out to touch him as he got near. Temari and Kankuro turned to look at him, while their eyes widened at the state of Gaara . His torso, face, parts of his legs, and surrounding sand were soaked in blood. The man touched Gaara as he kneeled down, the blood on Gaara's face disappeared, his nose was healed, and Gaara's internal bleeding had stopped. His hair still covered his eyes though, but his body was seemingly devoid of any injuries.

"Who are you?" Temari said weakly as she stood up.

"My name is something you will not find out yet, but I will take you all to someplace safe where the Akatsuki will not bother you anymore," the man said turning, a very small smile on his face, exactly like Gaara's. Suddenly everything went black as the man held out his hand.

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