Clockwork walked back into her large,dark room. She threw her fur coat to the floor and flicked the lights on. She sat on her bed for a second. She had just gotten home from a killing spree. She sighed and got up. Clocky paused,she felt like she was being...watched. "Hello...?" Nothing.She opened her closet to see the author. "Hello clock!" She said. "What do you want?" The author looked at Natalie raising an eyebrow. I think you know what I want.
"You see,the thing is I don't know what you want. But even if I did the answer is still no, so leave before I slit your throat like I did Timothy." The author laughed,"Sweetheart,I'm the author I'm immortal. I want you to do me a favor." Clock sighed,"What?" "I need you to kill someone for me." Clock grinned and laughed, "Oh really? News flash I'm not your proxy." "HA! News flash! I can do what I want!"
The author said.Clock looked at the ground. The author was right,she'd probably kill her off from the story if she do what they said. "Fine ill do it." She said. "Excellent! Meet on the rooftop at 3:20 pm sharp." The author snapped her fingers and she was gone.
Clock sat on her bed and opened her laptop and logged on to a private chat room.
***Chat room***
TickingGreenEyes: Hey Toby,I know you won't be able to see this but I just wanted to let you know I love you.♥ -Natalie
Clockwork was about to close her laptop until her laptop beeped.WaffleBoy: hElL⊗•••
TickingGreenEyes: Toby...?
TickingGreenEyes:I thought you were dead?!
WaffleBoy: hEhEhE•••
TickingGreenEyes: Toby?!?!?
WaffleBoy: tHaT's N⊗t My NaMe AnYm⊗Re.
TickingGreenEyes:then what is it...?
WaffleBoy: iT's RAZ⊗R N⊗w
TickingGreenEyes: can I see you?
WaffleBoy: hEhE...n⊗ BuT i CaN sEe Y⊗u
***WaffleBoy has left the chat room***
K that's it for now Bakas :3
Lol that got dark