On my toes (Niall Horan fanfic)

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I felt the ache in my toes but I continued to dance. I could feel all eyes on me. This was my moment. This dance audition will determine my future. This moment means everything; and Im determined to make the most of it.

I continued to dance to the music that I knew all too well. I finished with a set of pirouettes, and I held the final position for a minute trying to catch my breath. The studio filled with applause, and I sighed in relief knowing that everything that I have worked for finally paid off; hopefully...

"You're dismissed" they said in a monotone voice, their face showing no emotion. I politely nodded and made my way to the side, I leant against the cold walls of the dance studio. I was replaying my dance in my head when someone started talking to me. "Hi I'm Danielle" she smiled extending her hand. Danielle Peazer was standing right in front of me. I probably looked like an idiot right now, staring at her with my mouth hanging open. But I could barely get words out right now. My inspiration was introducing herself to me. "I-I know who you are, my names Cienna" I managed to get out, returning her gesture. "You know you're a really talented dancer" she said. Wait, the Danielle Peazer complimented me; again I was lost for words. "Thank you" I smiled.

Danielle and I started chatting away. I can't believe that I was actually talking to her. We were sat in the corridor of the dance studio with all the other nervous contestants. Danielle already danced here; she was one of the best dancers. She seemed pretty sure that I would be one of the three to get in. My attention was quickly turned towards the judges that stood in front of the group of hopeful girls. "Thank you all for coming today we will see you all tomorrow" they announced same emotion as before.

Danielle walked out of the dance studio with me as we reached my car. My mum gave me a wave as I opened the door to get in. "How'd you go, love?" She asked me as I stepped into the car. "Oh, and who's your friend? Im Maureen" She told Danielle. "I went well mum, we have to come back tomorrow for the second round of auditions. And this is Danielle" I explained to my mum. Danielle and I exchanged numbers, and she gave me a wave as she ran back into the dance studio. My mum and I drove home, and I told her everything that had happened that day.

*At Cienna's house*

I was currently eating lunch when my phone started to buzz, I made my way from the couch over to the kitchen bench top to check my phone, I unlocked it and saw one new message from Dani.

D: hey Cienna wanna go to Starbucks? x

C: sure meet you there in 20

I raced up the stairs to my bedroom, my sixteen year old brother Sean giving me a confused look. I was still trying to get my head around the fact that Im about to go to star bucks with the one and only Danielle Peazer.

*at star bucks*

I arrived in about 15 minutes, I opened the door and the aroma of coffee instantly hit me, I looked around for dani, eventually I spotted her sitting at a table in the corner of the small coffee shop. I made my way over to her, she glanced up from her phone and gave me a wave. I sat down across from her, and we began to make conversation.

"So how long have you been dancing?" She asked me.

"Since I was about four. I love it so much." I said smiling.

"I really loved you song choice. Your style is very unique" She said giving me a warm smile.

"Wow! That means a lot to me" I told her. I could feel my cheeks going pink.

"Well it's true. You're a very talented dancer. The judges were very interested in you!"

I could feel myself smiling like an idiot. "Thanks Dani!"

"It's no problem" she smiled back.

We continued talking for another half an hour, but she had to go to another dance class, and I had to go home for dinner.

* Next morning *

I woke up this morning feeling pumped for the second round of auditions, Dani seemed to think I could make it through, I'm hoping she's right. I got changed. (A/N: Picture in sidebar) My hair was in a messy bun and I only wore a little bit of makeup. My eyes were outlined in a little bit of black eyeliner to bring out my blue eyes, and I wore some black mascara. Then I headed downstairs for breakfast.

After eating I grabbed my stuff, got in my car and drove to the dance school.

When I arrived there I saw Dani by what I guessed was her car talking to another girl, I approached them with a smile.

"Hey Dani" I greeted her giving her a hug.

"Hey" she replied, I then turned to the girl.

"Hi I'm Cienna" I said extending my hand, she accepted the gesture and shook back.

"Jayda Lennox" she said back.

"It's nice to meet you"

We all talked for a little while.

"Girls I think it's time we head in." Dani said pointing towards her watch. We nodded and smiled excitedly making our way towards the entrance of the old building. I followed Dani and Jayda into the old building. They were both extremely gorgeous. I envy Danielle's hair; it's long and extremely curly. Her hair was the same colour as her pretty brown eyes. She's tall and thin, and just generally gorgeous. Jayda had medium length blonde hair, pretty blue eyes and she was medium height and thin.


We were all sitting in the hallway waiting nervously for our numbers to be called. The clicking of heels brought me out of my thoughts and I turned to look at the judge.

"Number 23, Cienna Starr"

I gulped and looked over to Dani who gave me a reassuring smile, as I was about to walk away I felt a hand on my arm. I turned around to see Jayda; I gave her a slight smile. "Good luck." She said. "Thanks, I'm going to need it." I turned away and took a deep breath, and then made my way over to the judge who led me into the room in which I would dance.

I tried my best to not show the judges my nerves; I gave them a slight smile but they showed absolutely no emotion on their faces. I gulped as I got into my starting position and waited for my song to be played. I heard Pump It by the Black Eyed Peas start playing, and I belted out the choreography I knew so well.

When I finished I felt proud, I felt like I actually had a chance. I left the room smiling like a Cheshire cat. Dani and Jayda tackled me in a hug.

"You did great!" They both said in sync.

I laughed, continuing to smile.


The wait felt like forever. I wonder how the judges thought I did. I was interrupted when the judges walked out with paper in their hands. I guess is the moment of truth.

"Now we are happy to announce we have made our decision, the 3 girls are......


A/N: First chapter is finally up! We are so excited to see where this fan fiction takes us. We left you on a cliff-hanger guys; Sorry about that 😜 Do you think Cienna will make it through? We are so excited to update! Please vote and comment, we would love to hear your opinions/suggestions on this fan fiction. Please follow us on twitter, we shall tweet about the fan fiction.

Twitter - @MaddieCarly

I know people generally skip past these, but If you're still reading thank you. We're so excited for this fan fiction.

Thanks for reading!!

Maddie & Carly x

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