Not like other girls

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Ah glob, I messed it up again. What was I thinking? She likes gum wad. She'll never like me, I'm not her type. She's the good adventurer, I'm just the bad guy. The more I thought about it the stupider I felt. We were fine as we were, as friends. Why did I have to wreck that. I had made my way home and attempted at falling asleep. It wasn't working. I walked into my kitchen looking for a snack. An apple, perfect. I picked up and sucked the red from it, then throwing it in the trash. I floated back up to my bed and fell straight asleep.

~le dream~

I walked up a path, a white path. Slowly as I walked on it turned into a carpet, I silk one. Fascinated by this changing carpet I looked down at it for a while until I found my self in a room. A church to me more precise. At the end of the carpet where three figures. I could just make them out. Fionna, in a beautiful white dress, cake in a priest out fit and finally, Prince gumball, in a pink suite. I clenched my fist and ran up to the gumwad. Punching him in the face. My hand bled as Bubba and my Fifi transformed into one huge, ugly monster, chasing after me, I ran as fast as I could and tripped over a snail. Just before they got be I heard bells ring

~le end of dream~

It was the door bell. I woke up in a cold sweat, my dead heart was thumping as loud as a dead heart could. I got up, not bothering to put a shirt on and went to answer it with just track pants on.

"Fionna? What are you doing here? It's three in the morning!"

"I know, I was just thinking about what you said earlier,"

"Really?" I started to smile,

"So I just wanted to ask you something,"


She caught me unguarded and pulled out her sword,

"Fifi? What are you doing?"


"Fionna, I'm not the ice queen," I rolled my eyes,

"Yeah, you are! I won't fall for it!"

"Fifi, quit it, stop pointing that sword at me," I pushed the sword away,

"I know you're the Ice queen, why would anyone like me? Let alone Marshall Lee!"

"Maybe because of the way your eyes widen and sparkle when you're confused? Or the cute way you defend anything dear to you with all your heart? Maybe because of how you act so tough but you all just sweetness inside, the way you see the good in everyone and will only fight the bad?"


"You're just not like other girls," I shrugged

"Marshall, what did you mean by 'going somewhere?'"

"Maybe you and me could hang out sometime, like you know, on a date?"

"Is tomorrow okay?"

"That's cool, see you then," I said, closing the door, I was trying to act cool but I was jumping with joy on the inside.

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