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Q: "Well I su??ose this question is for all of you. How much do you guys care about quadrants as if that's a thing to actually worry about."

Kyprin: oh.い亜cつあっlyはヴェ甘てspりていふぃさyそmyせlf。シェおsてぇもstぉゔぇぃえst待てsぺいれいゔぇえゔぇrはd。

Klivra: Hehehe. I have a matesprite and honestly I don't care about the other quadrants. *hugs Kyprin hard*

Oxmis: quadrants? Why would I care about quadrants (<trying to play it cool but honestly he really wants a
matesprite and he also has a Kismesis)

Janorus: I-I have a Kismesis and moirail. I don't know how I got them. But I do, and I really really REALLY want a matesprite.

Laili: QUADRANTS CAN SUCK IT HAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh wait?.... I actually have a matesprite...oh Kyprin :)) (actually doesn't have one she wishes though)

Poliana: very nice questions, and thank you for asking us. I have a deep and thoughtful understanding of quadrants and love seeing how everyone is affected by the different statures and meaningless behind them. Oh! And I also have a moirail.

Leposa: quadrants...I really do wish I could fully understand all their concepts but sadly I only have a moirail.

Zillas: nope. I have nothing for ya sorry.

Kairos: I wish I had 10 matesprites. I want all the pictures of everyone. I love quadrants. Though no one wants to be in any of mine. I don't mind 'em.


Corna: we all die anyways there's no need for quadrants :/

Vulna: there is no need for such foolery as quadrants. They're a waste of brain space, and your functions as a Trollian. All they do is break your heart and throw you in the trash AND WASTE YOUR TIME CHASING AFTER ANOTHER TROLL WHO DOESNT EVEN LIKE HIM AND JUST IS A TOTAL LOSER WHO DESERVES TO GO IN THE TRASH ALL QUADRANTS ARE STUPID!!!! *glares at Janorus*


Axiden: quadrants are amazing. I am not the most hopeless quadrant user if I do say so myself. I have a Kismesis, a moirail, and a osmisis.

Mania: oh! Well um, I think quadrants are a really good thing *crushes can* moirails are pretty handy too...*murmur* they help you out when your sad and make you happy.

Xanian: don't waste your time in quadrants.


Piton/Cather: what the hell are quadrants./ shhh my brethren we're not old enough for quadrants *shoves piton away*

Hatzar: *shrug*

Viitiic: quadrants, I can't say if I like them or not. Only had a quadrant filled once but that ended quickly.

Traviosa: *holds up hand* if I may say so myself. Quadrants are so amazing. They spread your social composites to many other opposite ends of your brain.

Lusha: quadrants are I guess fun. Though I was forced into matesprite ship...by a person. *stares at Axiden nervously and smiles at xanian*

Kivoc: quadrants are okay I guess. Never had one filled though.

Cotta: quadrants are extremely fun. I find them mildly interesting.

Poliar: I'd rather not get into this topic

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