My guardian angle

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"There she is just being a big idiot like always" I said to myself
"She reminds me of you,you know that"
"Oh hey GA517" I said to my best friend
"Hey GA514" he said with a smile
"Why are you here anyways this is my house why you here" I said to him in a mean why hehe
"Well....I got bored probable?" He said with a smirk
"Man you can be really mean you know that!"
"Wow thanks I love you too" he smiles like nothing happen wow what a nice friend
"Ouch what was THAT FOR GA517!!!!" I shouted at him
"Cause I was calling your name you were just like you were in a fairy tail land"
"S...sorry GA517" I said with a frown
"Ok ok stop with the face it's making me feel bad"
"Ok so why you calling me for"
"The king wants you" he said with a really big smile on his face
"Ok first why and second what's with your face?" I said while starring at him 
"Well you know why he wants you so go already!"
"Ok ok I'll go gosh byeeeeee!!!!" I shouted while I was Running to the king
'I wonder what he wants I hope he's gonna give me cake cause I'm still waiting for my CAKE THAT HE WAS GONNA SHARE!!!!!' I said in my mind cause I'm crazy like that ahah
Sorry it's short ok this is my new book I'm sorry I'll update my other books but I think I'll most likely update this one

Add KaiWilson  because she's the one that got me the idea for this book so follower her right now bye love u guy


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