Chapter 1

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aemyie is the winner of my contest even though I have a cover already =3 Thanks to everyone who entered~


"Angel! I need you to your butt over here!" Tyde yelled.  I rolled my eyes, what happened? Did someone get captured again? I'm starting to think that Tyde is recruiting stupid men so that I actually have to do work.

"Angel! I know you're in there!" He yelled again. Picking up my hat and putting it on, I slowly made my way to the double doors and onto the deck. Several men were inspecting the sails and whispering worriedly. My eyebrow raised.

What had happened? Was there a hole? Boy, if there was, Tyde would be fuming. My thoughts were disrupted by my very angry looking brother. His black hair, the exact same color as mine, was tousled a little and his deep cerulean eyes glinted with anger.

"One of the new boys thought it be funny to tie my hat and sword onto the mast. I gave him a good yelling but during that time, the guards captured him. Ben, or sumthing. His trial is about now. Can you get him out?" He stated, more like an order then a question. He ran his head through his hair and sighed.

I shrugged. It seemed fine. Trials were the easiest to get people out of. Hangings however, were a little more difficult. "Aye-Aye, Cap'n." I said happily. It was boring being locked up on the ship, sometimes the sea breeze was to much and made me feel sick.

My steps to the room were quick. If Ben's trial was now, I would only have a few  minutes to get dressed up. I walked over to the corner, up to my old wooden trunk with gold edging and opened it. There were tons of dresses that we had taken from different people. I pulled out a light blue dress that had rubies and other jewels dripping from every angle. It seemed that this dress was taken from the duchess of Angora. I stared at it for a second, contemplating if it would help my cause.

No, it looked to wealthy. I hastily shoved the dress back into the trunk, not worrying if it got wrinkled, and pulled out a pale pink dress. It had some gold trimming but it was nothing to flashy. It was perfect. Not to wealthy looking but it didn't look like I was a daughter of a poor man. Now, my corset. I was already wearing one but it wasn't tight though. The only reason I wore it was because it offered good protection against knives.  As soon as my arms and head went through the holes, I ran to the mirror in the front of my quarters. Since the dress was already a little to big on me, the clothing I was wearing and my pistol underneath of it filled it out perfectly. I gathered up my hair, twisting it into a knot and securing it with a gold pin.

After one last glance in the mirror and a little tweaking of the dress, I ran out of the chamber and almost into Alys. Alys was Tyde's first mate and one of my favorite people on the Gray Rose, other then my brother. She was about the same age as Tyde, about 20, a fun person and was like he older sister I never had. However she had a tendency to drink too much rum.

Alys swung her dirty blonde over one shoulder."My, my, Young Miss. Where you going?" She raised an eyebrow at my choice of clothing but amusement was in her hazel eyes.  "I'm guessin' someone was captured again." She could tell I was anxious to get off the ship from my glare so she gave me her usual pat on the head and pushed me off. Time to find Ben.


"We now sentence Benjamin Thomas to hangin-"

"Benjamin! Benjamin! You're alive!" My wailing attracted the attention of the judge. His stern and judgmental gaze softened as soon as he saw me emerge from the crowd with a tear-stained face. Ben, however, gave me a happy glance and a small grin that I could faintly see. The boy looked about a year younger then me, 15 or 16. Even though his face was almost completely covered in dirt and grime, you could still make out some boyish features. He had pale blue eyes and dark brown, almost black hair. Ben could easily pass as my younger brother. He realized the same thing and decided to play along.

"Sister! Dear sister!" He cried out, reaching his hand out to grab my outstretched arm. I stepped on to the tall platform and embraced him in a hug.

"It me, Angel. Play along Ben, I can get you out of this.The ship is just east of the port, I'm pretty sure you will be able to find it." I whispered quickly into his ear before breaking the embrace and turning to the judge. "Kind sir, my brother is not a pirate! He was kidnapped by them a week ago when we were near the port waiting for one of our cousin's return from sea!"

The crowd stared at me for a second, trying to register what I had just stated. They started to whisper. "Pirates kidnapping young boys! I wouldn't put it past them! To think we almost hung a poor boy for being a pirate!" 

I bit my cheek to keep from smiling and ruining my charade. This was just to easy. The jury was looking at us with sympathy. The judge gave a nod to one of the guards who then came over and unlocked Ben's shackles. "Thank you! May God bless you kind sir!" I said. I turned back towards Ben just as the the guard passed me with a sly smirk on his face. It made me freeze for a second.

Did he know that both of us were pirates? I shook that thought away, there was no way.

Ben stepped off the platform and looked back up at me. I was standing at the edge and staring at the ground.  It was to tall for me to step off of and jumping off would expose my pistol underneath. Ben saw my hesitation. Just as he was about to help me off, another set of arms behind me wrapped themselves around my waist and carried me off he platform.

It was the same guard. His bright emerald green eyes that had a tint of sliver caught my attention. The only person I knew of who had eyes like that was Porter, or as he was known as, Prince. I was so distracted that I didn't notice him push back my sleeve and expose my arm.

"This girl is a pirate!" He shouted, not with much surprise, it was like he had known all along. The guard held my arm up. Without the light pink fabric to cover it, my P tattoo was clearly visible to everyone.

I looked over at Ben who was just as the exit of the building. He was frozen with fear. 

Did he think that we'd get caught so easily?

"Run." I mouthed to him. He nodded and barely a second passed before he was out the door and running.

Now, back to the matter at hand. The suspicious guard was still holding up my arm and his friends were starting to  surround us. They could wait till later. I gave my sliver green-eyed captor a sweet smile... and then kicked him in in the shin. Usually it worked. This time, it was my captors acting. He fell to the ground, clutching his knee in fake agony. It didn't make any sense but this was no time to question anything. I swiftly pulled out my pistol and shot a few rounds into the air. People started to panic and half of the guards had to calm them down. This was perfect time for an escape. I shoot the two guards that were in front of me in leg and started to run. They screamed and toppled over.

"Sorry about that!" I ran into the streets of the town, looking for the road I had taken before. My mind quickly decided to go down the busiest road to confuse the guards that were quickly gaining on me. I ran on to the main road, receiving stares from many people. The footsteps where dying down, only a few guards remained remained. I threw a quick glance over my shoulder. Three of  the guards was getting yelled at by an old lady for knocking over her cart of goods and two others were busily looking around trying to find me. The taller of the two saw me smirking at them.

"There she is! Get her!" He tapped the other man on the shoulder and pointed at me. I spun around on my heel and ran into different alleyways, making sure it was as confusing as possible. Finally I found a dark small alleyway and ran in, hoping that I wouldn't be found here. Taking some steps back, I leaned up against the dirty wall and exhaled. Suddenly, I froze.

The footsteps were getting louder.

"Angel what have you gotten yourself into? Tyde would be so sad to see his little sister kidnapped."

The voice was seductive but playful at the same time.

"Especially if it's a big bad pirate."

I slowly turned my head to be face to face with the green-sliver eyed guard.

The footsteps were too close.

"Prince..."'His name barely slipped past my lips before I was knocked out.

The Angel Of Pirates (Will Be Continued)Where stories live. Discover now